"i've gotta ring them bells / i gotta make them sing / and really ring them bells!"

Oct 12, 2008 04:49

1. DUDE, I AM SO HUNGRY. SO. HUNGRY. I mean, noldoparma and I had dinner at NYDC, which usually involves HUGE AMOUNTS OF PASTA AND ICE-CREAM MUDPIES, which it did - my baked pasta came with TONS of cheese and Italian ham and mushrooms, and our mudpie supposedly had Bailey's in it (couldn't taste any of the alcohol, wtf). So I shouldn't be hungry? Oh, except that dinner was... maybe eight hours ago now? *cries* But I can't eat or even drink milk because I'm supposed to run to the doctor for a routine blood test tomorrow so I have to fast. ARRRGGH.

2. Why I just don't GO TO BED so I can sleep away the hunger is beyond me.

3. Oh I know. It's a little something called FLAIL. *rolls eyes* Seriously. I ended up watching Meryl's entire interview on Inside The Actor's Studio, which I'm pretty sure I've watched before, but hey. Always good to relive the awesome. This part is my favourite - she talks about how she had a nervous breakdown when her Irish accent coach was on set ALL THE TIME for Dancing At Lughnasa (which, randomly, I kind of half-watched in a Malaysian hotel room a few years ago at 3am in the morning) - 3:28 ftw, "I didn't know why I existed". LMAO. And her bitching about not being able to remember her lines, which she NEVER DID... until menopause hit. XD Also, OMG. IRISH JIG AT 6:10 FOR THE EPIC WIN. Then the QUIZ. I love the quiz. (7:54 for her daughter's favourite word. XD)

4. So I've been trying to restrain myself from going to see Mamma Mia for the FIFTH time in cinemas - and then I discover this! Such a GOOD copy of the movie online, considering that the DVD isn't out yet! SQUEE. Those who haven't seen it can go watch it noooooow.

5. Randomly, I have stupid little zits all over my face because I missed my facial a while back because of work. ARGH. Must my job destroy even my skin!?!? *cries*

6. Watched Burn After Reading today - not one of the Coens' best, I must say. The cast was brilliant though. Especially Brad Pitt. I don't think I've ever seen him been quite so out-and-out spazzy. As a commentary on stupid people doing ridiculously stupid things, I guess the movie worked. But it didn't work quite as well as, say, Fargo, which certainly had that as one of its underlying themes.

7. Then, HMV with noldoparma and her brother! I bought the first season of 30 Rock on DVD, FINALLY. XD And also Falling In Love, because... well, it might be a lesser entry in both their canons, but it's Streep and De Niro. Got to be worth a watch, right?

8. I was talking to alexia88 about XF and the dodgy fanfic I wrote back in the day. Like, from FOWLEY'S POV, ZOMG. See here. I was kind of horrified to realise that I wrote that in 1999. NINE YEARS AGO, OMG! *cries*

9. Finally. I have an icon meme I've been meaning to do. I snagged it from someone but never had time to do it, then passed it to lanafromoz who ended up doing it before I did, WTF. So I have to get caught up:

Look at your userpics list. If you have fewer than twenty icons, post them all. If you have between twenty and fifty icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one.

List them on your journal and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, the keywords you use and what significance it has.

PD | Olive - yay!
I just love Olive. She's so adorable, and so relentlessly cheerful no matter what happens to her. This is just a cute moment and one of my default 'yay' icons. I snagged it from someone else because I never got around to making my own PD icons. Maybe that will change with Season 2? IF I EVER START WATCHING IT, THAT IS.

TCR | Pizza
ellixian thinks perverted thoughts...
Hai. I'm not really a slasher or an RPF person - though I'm not virulently opposed to either. However, if I had a slash fandom? It'd HAVE to be Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart. Only because they TOTALLY encourage it on their shows, LOL. Just LOOK at them eating pizza! This moment cracked me up so hard.

WW | Best Friends
ellixian is inspired by good friends
Awwww, West Wing. A moment from the incredibly epic Season 1, during which I fell in love with these characters and their fictional President and White House. I wanted to work the way they worked, even if their hours were possibly worse than mine. I just love this moment: just a bunch of good friends, sharing a beer on a cool fall night.

PD | Olive - Hearts Ned
I'm not sure that I necessarily ship Olive/Ned - because I really love the Ned/Chuck relationship too. But Olive's unrequited love for Ned is SO sweet and adorable. Plus, icon includes two of the cutest people in the universe: Cheno and Lee Pace. How could that be wrong in any way, hmmm?

PD | Olive - Is Floored
Man, how did the icon uploading work out so that all my PD icons showed up for this meme?! In any case: just another adorable moment in far too many for Ms Olive Snook. I suspect at some point I might end up having to junk this one in favour of other icons though, as I don't really use it very much.

Kate/Cary | OTP
ellixian is 100% vintage whore
Only my favourite classic movie actor and actress EVER. I love that they made four movies together, and that three of them are classics - plus I even liked Sylvia Scarlett! :D But seriously. Sorry Meryl - my current flail is kind of misleading, but Katharine Hepburn is still my favourite female actress ever. And Cary Grant. God. Men do not get more ridiculously suave than good ol' Archibald Leach. Bringing Up Baby is my favourite movie OF ALL TIME. I made this icon after an epic Kate/Cary spam with lesaut, but of course, it's also one of the icons that ties me to the people I met through my classic film flail about 8 years ago - Alex, Sal, Meg and Star! ♥

Cuddy | Gay Now
ellixian has gone gay for Cuddy
This one is... kind of self-explanatory, no? ;)

N2N | Falling
ellixian is losing herself in the air
From the press footage shot of Next To Normal... a musical I have never seen live and had a short off-Broadway run earlier this year. Even so, I am ADDICTED to the score, and Alice is incredibly fierce and incredibly heart-breaking in her role. Just look at her sing/act her heart out in this moment! GOD I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THIS IN JANUARY. CANNOT. WAIT.

Julia | You're Mine
ellixian is making up for lost time
Awww, hai. It's Julia and Sebastian Arcelus singing As Long As You're Mine in Bryant Park i.e., the moment when I developed the hugest crush ever on Julia's voice. Which means there will ALWAYS be an icon of this moment among my userpics. (If you look through my icons on xitian, you'll realise in short order how OBSESSED I am with this moment/performance, LOL. The adorable hug at the end just caps it all off so PERFECTLY.)

Julia | WTF
ellixian is totes judging you
I think this is also pretty self-explanatory. Julia's disdain is palpable. :D

10. Phew, that took ages. It's now 5.30 in the morning. O_O I was supposed to yoga tomorrow, but think I'll have to pass, since I have to run to the doctor's, put in a few hours at work, and then I REALLY want to see Alan Rickman in Bottle Shock and I can't imagine watching a 9.30pm show after a 6pm yoga class. D: God. Need to stop being so lazy and sleeping at such faily hours. Never going to happen though. *cries*

meme, the golden age, lj - lesaut, n2n, movies, capslock flail, kate the great, kristin chenoweth, lj - noldoparma, iconage, west wing, julia murney, lj - lanafromoz, lj - alexia88, meryl streep, pushing daisies, xflail, cuddylove, sleep patterns of fail

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