The world is so shiny and happy right now...

Aug 18, 2008 20:05

1. ...she said sarcastically.

2. So - computer remains down, and the repairman will only be by tomorrow afternoon. (At least it's still under warranty, thank goodness for that.) Hopefully it's a problem that can be rectified on the spot; if it's not, I will be most bereft. As things stand, I'm spending even MORE time online at work than I already do, since this is the only opportunity I'll have to flist. Booooo.

3. ALSO. Guess what else broke? MY CAR. When backing into a lot today after lunch, I heard this weird crunching noise that sounded like the kind of noise your car makes when its undercarriage is scraped by the curb. It hadn't, though, because the curb isn't anywhere high enough to do that, and my reverse sensor hadn't gone off. Even so, I got out to discover that the left side panel had detached itself from the body of the car. WTF. WTF. So now I have to send my car into the workshop as well. OH GOD LIFE IS SO AWESOME.

4. Am now heading home to - gasp - no internet! The only bright spot, I suppose, is that I end up with a lot more free time on my hands without the internet to distract me. Like, last night, I watched DVDs! I watched an episode of Bones! I think I shall do the same tonight.

5. Oh! And I guess there's something to be said for practise. The leg is not doing as badly as I'd feared, although I did wake up today with an AWFUL shoulder ache. Like, serious PAIN. But I'm nowhere near as overall-achey as I was after the inaugural yoga session. So that's good.

6. Sigh. SO BORING. I apologise. At some point I will cease being whiny, I'm sure. Just not today.

7. Edited to add, about two hours later: computer is working again. WTF. I think it's a RAM problem. I shall TRY not to overload it tonight and make it explode again. I suspect trying to do fifteen different things at once, as I usually do, is what has been causing it to freeze up and die for a day or so afterwards. Give it 24 hours to rest, and apparently it's happy to start working again. STUPID ELECTRONICS CONTROLLING MY LIFE. Regardless, I shall get the repairman to look at it tomorrow. Bah.

rl ftl, yoga, my computer hates me

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