"i might've been born just plain white trash"

Aug 20, 2008 02:51

1. MACHINES OF FAIL ARE FIXED. Here's hoping, anyway. I took the half-day off work and brought the car to two workshops - thank goodness the guy at the official Mazda dealership was nice enough to tell me that I could get a patching job done considerably cheaper elsewhere, and so I did that. For just over $50 as opposed to $450+! I kind of had to sit in the middle of a neighbourhood industrial estate and read a book for an hour and a half while I waited for said patching to be done, but well. Better that than having to go two entire working days without wheels AND pay nine times more for that dubious privilege, Y/Y?!

2. The tech guy also came and fixed my computer - hopefully - and diagnosed it as a RAM problem without my having to tell him that. I couldn't anyway, as I was having a late lunch outside when he turned up at my house without prior warning.

3. OH MY GOD, MY FAMILY OF FAIL. So I got home from the mechanic's at about 6.30pm and decided to take a nap, for once, just before family dinner. I crashed on my sister's bed as there's all manner of junk on mine, and woke up quite a bit later. I heard everyone's voices outside but figured that dinner hadn't started yet... WRONG. THEY ATE DINNER WITHOUT ME. They thought I wasn't at home and had gone out for a run or something, even though MY CAR WAS IN THE DRIVEWAY AND I WAS SLEEPING IN MY ROOM. They actually looked inside and everything (or so they claim) and NO ONE SAW ME. There was NO FOOD LEFT. I ended up eating, like, a peach and a ton of cashew nuts and drank tea for dinner. THANKS, GUYS, ILU TOO. My family is so awesome. :P

4. I am currently SO ADDICTED to the song Fancy, OMG. Thanks for that, Julia Murney. I have all five versions by you playing on a loop on my iTunes right now.

5. IDINA. lissie_pissie asked if I had Idina's album I Stand and whether I could upload it, and I was, like, OMG OF COURSE. And since I did, I'll share it again with y'all. This download contains ALL the acoustic songs that have come out with the various versions of the album that have been released, so bluebonnets, you might want to snag this to help in your burgeoning Idina/Wicked flail? XD


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This video makes me SO HAPPY. Idina is just totally rocking out to this song. Even Especially with the daggy white-girl dancing, heh. And OMFGIM, she goes NUTS at the end!!! Hee. So much fun.

And then, of course, here's Julia Murney rocking the same song:

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7. I finally posted the Next To Normal icons I've been making over the last couple of weeks. I figured if I didn't stop now, I never would. NO MORE. NO. MORE. (Yeah, right...)

8. I'm never leaving work again, fyi. I'd better go to bed now because the next few days are going to be very looooong ones indeed. *sadface*

rl ftl, iconage, julia murney, lj - bluebonnets, n2n, lj - lissie_pissie, idina menzel, family, my computer hates me

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