Feb 10, 2008 04:53

1. It's 5am, OMG. I told myself I was going to bed early. EARLY, dammit. (By which I usually mean 2am, but whatever.)

2. The meds are working, sort of. I can confirm this because, when I take them, I am considerably healed. I don't cough as much or as spectacularly - phlegm is kept to a bare minimum - and because three (count 'em, three) of my meds all cause drowsiness, I've been sleeping like a baby elephant at random points throughout the weekend. This is good.

3. However, I was mistaken to think I was properly on the mend - it's just the meds giving me that false impression, unfortunately. This I know because I am currently at the tail end of one med-popping cycle (i.e., I'll be imbibing the pills in a matter of minutes), and they've all stopped masking my very real, still-right-there-under-the-pretense-of-improved-health illness. I am now coughy again, and the green gunk in lungs was apparently only temporarily banished. FAIL. I am iller than I thought. ('iller' is a word in a post that is made of spam.)

4. In the spirit of nostalgia: anyone else here ever read the Chalet School series by Elinor M Brent-Dyer? This is probably my one true book fandom - I remember writing fanfic at the age of ten or something, before I even knew what fanfic was and that other people did it too, about the characters in this series. Throughout my life I have gone through bouts of extreme crazed fangirliness for these books (usually when I've procured shiny new ones in the 62-book series - yes, 62 books, all of which have roughly the same plot but never cease to amuse me anyway!). And while I was cleaning up old Gilmore Girls fic for reposting, I realised I had CS fics on my hard-drive that I'd posted on a CS forum during one such fangirly craze in 2005 - not to mention an unfinished crackfic and one of the longest WIPs I've ever written. I SO DO NOT NEED ANOTHER FANDOM RIGHT NOW - but re-reading these fics, and seeing how I consciously aped EBD's style of writing (a fun exercise, to retain the same slightly stilted, British air while making it your own), really makes me want to finish up the ones languishing in my computer, dammit. Hmmm. Maybe I will. I'll probably re-post those old CS fics here too, for my own amusement if for nobody else's. ;)

5. So: is the writer's strike over or not?!

6. Welcome to
starhud5 and
nut_meggers! Good to see you guys here! :)

7. *uses Olive icon because it is made of LOL-WIN*

rl ftl, flist-love, randomness, bookdorking, chalet school

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