A post full of whine...

Feb 12, 2008 02:03

1. I just woke up after spending about an hour asleep in front of my computer. I FAIL. I've been soooo tired all day, partly from lack of sleep, partly from meds. I really don't want to go back into work tomorrow later today and have to face it all again.

2. As for last night: that's twenty minutes of my life I'm never getting back. The word, I think, is fuck. I haven't been so angry in a very long time.

3. Fic-writing is going soooo. slooooowly. Amending and re-jigging an ages-old fic took me the better part of an hour - before I failed and fell asleep on myself, that's when you know you're REALLY boring - and I haven't even written anything new yet. Gah.

4. Dinner was awful. I'm usually so unpicky food-wise, especially when it comes to vegetables - I'd eat pretty much anything that wasn't bittergourd - but even I couldn't bring myself to eat tonight. Sigh. So i loaded up on leftover CNY goodies instead: peanuts and pineapple balls. Way to get the new year off to a healthy start, as my meds wear off and I start hacking up a lung again.

5. 24 hours a day isn't enough to do all the flailing I want to do. Thanks to
medland, I want to watch every WW episode there ever was, again and again and again (check out this pic-spam of win); and thanks to
yuki_onna90, I really want to put The Philadelphia Story on for, like, the gajillionth time (and also Bringing Up Baby and Holiday and even Sylvia Scarlett) for the Kate/Cary goodness. Bah. Who needs work.

6. And LJ is so... quiet. Everyone's going on hiatus. Come back, flist, come back!

rl ftl, west wing, the golden age, randomness, i fail

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