Feb 10, 2008 04:53

1. It's 5am, OMG. I told myself I was going to bed early. EARLY, dammit. (By which I usually mean 2am, but whatever.)

2. The meds are working, sort of. I can confirm this because, when I take them, I am considerably healed. I don't cough as much or as spectacularly - phlegm is kept to a bare minimum - and because three (count 'em, three) of my meds ( Read more... )

rl ftl, flist-love, randomness, bookdorking, chalet school

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Comments 16

agica89 February 9 2008, 21:30:33 UTC
1.OMG, when do you sleep, girl?:D Sleeping is overrated, right?:)

2.I'm glad, you feel better!

3.Ohh, tricky meds.:S

5.I've read, that unfortunately it's not over.:(

7.I LOVE your icon!:D


ellixian February 9 2008, 22:01:48 UTC
1. LOL, definitely over-rated, as it's now 6am. I am made of LOSE win, y/n?

2. Thank you! :)

5. Bah humbug. BIG SIGH. Was looking forward to new episodes, if at all possible.

7. Hee. Isn't it the cutest thing??


agica89 February 9 2008, 22:23:35 UTC
1.You're obviously made of WIN!;)

5.Me too.I'd be soo happy, if the strike was REALLY over...

7.It's too cute!!!:D When I first saw it, I almost died of LOL!!!:D


starhud5 February 9 2008, 21:52:45 UTC
Love, love, love the Chalet School books!! I spent years collecting them all and finally now have the whole set. I always wished I could have gone to a school just like that ;) Your making me want to dig them out and reread them now!


ellixian February 9 2008, 22:04:22 UTC
STAR! HAI!! *big hugs*

And yes, I remember having some flaily conversations with you about CS back when we all frequented FF and kept bumping into each other in various threads. I don't have the full set yet - still collecting as the unabridged editions are being slowly published, but I'll get there eventually! Is your entire set unabridged?? That's amazing, if so. There are some books that are really horrifically sliced-up, but the original editions are SOOOO expensive.

Now I don't feel so alone in my CS fandom! I'll post those fics at some point soon, then! :)


ropo February 10 2008, 00:49:50 UTC
Welcome to ropo

Thanks! Glad to be here!


lfae February 10 2008, 00:50:02 UTC
Chalet School!! I don't believe I've ever read fic...but that should so change asap ;) Actually, I had a bout of nostalgia the other day myself! I had an hour to kill before tap and was in the library and found that they had the Chalet School Companion so I read that :D Some of it was actually really boring *cries* but it made me want to read all the books again. I have about...I'd guess 20? I should go look. Favourite books/characters? I had such a crush on Bride Bettany and it still woes me to this day that I have NEVER managed to find Bride Leads the Chalet School :(


ellixian February 10 2008, 14:53:22 UTC
LOL, if you've never read fic for it, I'll change that soon enough! Will definitely be posting my old ones up soon, and if I can get back into a CS groove soon enough, I might finish up the half-written ones I've got on my hard drive.

I LOVE this series - it's such fun to revisit all these people (they're like my friends, lol!) when I feel nostalgic for my childhood. I have to admit being made of fail though: haven't read the Companion yet!

YOU DON'T HAVE BRIDE?! It's a ridiculously difficult book to get though: out of print except by the outfit currently re-releasing CS (Girls Gone By Publishers). I bought mine from there. There used to be transcripts available on the net, but unfortunately I don't have Bride. :(

My favourite character is Joey - even though she got rather insufferable towards the end with her million and one children. Oh, and Miss Wilson. SHE was my girl crush in the series. ;)


lfae February 11 2008, 12:01:22 UTC
For serious, GUESS WHAT I FOUND TODAY AT THE LIBRARY? No, not Bride, but Joey Goes to the Oberland! Which I have ALSO never read before! So I borrowed it and began reading it on the tram home...and am loving it. It's been so long since I've had a NEW one!

I was never as into the CS as I was Malory Towers and St. Clare's - I got started later, and of course there's sooooo many more books and then even between them all, the libraries couldn't supply me with a full set. I was sent the transcript of SOME book ages ago - I wonder if I still have it! I can't even recall which it was.

I was never a big fan of Joey *hides* my teacher-crush, if any, would have been Biddy O'Ryan. I LOVED her as a schoolgirl and was so sad there was so little about her. One I didn't like was Mary-Lou...half because of the name! And she was just ugh :P My favourite books are all mostly from the teens, though. Lintons, Exile, At War, the Highland Twins, Lavender Laughs :)

I found it! The Chalet School at the Oberland :D


ellixian February 11 2008, 15:12:34 UTC
I love discovering CS books I haven't read before - I still think that's quite a large number, because SO MANY of them went out of print after the initial paperback print. So they're ridiculously expensive to buy second-hand. Girls Gone By is republishing them, but it's not cheap either. I'm only buying them for the full set. Sigh. ;)

Joey Goes to the Oberland is a fun one! I wish I could pass you Bride to read somehow - it's one of my favourites. Think if I mailed it to you, you'd be able to read it and then mail it back? ;)

I LOVED BIDDY TOO! I loved watching her grow from that little gypsy kid they rescued to the school's math teacher and then getting married and everything. ♥ I think the problem with Jo and Mary-Lou is that they got too haughty and perfect for people to stomach. It gets quite tiring after a while if everything you do is just brilliant!!

OF COURSE, I ALSO ADORE MALLORY TOWERS AND ST CLARE'S, ZOMG. So formulaic but so fabulous. I also loved the Naughtiest Girl series. ♥


(The comment has been removed)

ellixian February 10 2008, 14:56:46 UTC


5. STILL NO WORD?!? :(



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