Jun 29, 2012 22:49
The summer started officially last week but it kicked it off today with 39oC. In shade. Luckily the humidity dropped a little compared to last week when the air felt like the indoor pool so it just felt like an oven outside not a sauna. It's a weird feeling when you walk through a parking lot and feel heat just hitting you from the below. I'm so glad that I don't live in an actual city. The trees and grass and open spaces without too much concrete make it all a little more bearable. Air condition makes it fine. It's always 23 at work and at home it's couple degrees warmer so I can sleep at night. However, this makes walking outside a temperature shock. It feels weird when outside is warmer then the 37 room.
Tomorrow temperature is supposed to reach 40 so I'm planning to spend the cooler, morning part of the day on the pool. I generally think anything above 35 is evil and if not for AC I would have to be either submersed in water or in a state of heat delirium so this is is the only way for me to be outside. I'm afraid the afternoon will be too much even though part of me can't quite believe it's going to be so hot. The highest ever recorded temperature in Poland was 40.2 but it was almost century ago and the place it was recorded at was in Germany then. In more recent years the highest was 38.8. So - yay for experiencing temperatures not available at home. This is why you travel, right?