Suvudu readers voted on the cast of hypothetical Star Wars episodes 7-9. It includes recasting all the main cast from classic trilogy. With the top vote and writ in being announce you can see if they match your mental image. I think it's so predictable I can almost see it done with those people.
NPR announced their Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books but how one decides which one of those to read?
Luckily SF Signal put together a handy chart that will allow you to find the book for you. I just keep finding the ones I already read but then there are only a few I didn't.
And if you didn't watch last week's Community or you missed
the important 26 seconds then you may not get the
newest meme. It's been less then a week but the best show Abed has ever seen already has a full cannon history.
Inspector Spacetime tvtropes page lists all the episodes, Inspectors and associates. Tumblr is full of confessions of the fans and
you can have your own t-shirt to show your allegiance or
a poster. After all, everyone knows is much better then
the rip-off. How could Artur Darvill defect to it?