I'll be teaching Alpha's 14-19 yr olds this summer, too!

Feb 03, 2011 17:42

I'm honored to have been invited to be one of the Author Guests this summer at the Alpha Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Workshop for Young Writers (ages 14-19), located at the University of Pittsburgh.  It's a 10-day workshop, and I'll be there for two of those days,  workshopping and advising and whatnot.  Other Author Guests so far are Tamora Pierce & David Levine, with more to come.

Alpha's accepting applications until March 1.

I love the fact that this workshop exists.  Not only is it an opportunity for young writers to get taken seriously - but I bet that it's a lot like the summer arts camp I went to when I was 13 & 14 - my first big chance to meet other kids as weird and creative and obsessed as I was . . . The friendships made at such places can last a lifetime.

They also have a cool Blog full of Writing Tips & Wisdom for people of any age - I was very tickled when Julie Holderman included a section of my Swordspoint in a post she did on Anatomy of Action Scenes there . . . though I haven't yet had the nerve to read their Learning to Love your Rejection Letters!

alpha, appearances, teaching

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