Is this your year for studying writing at Clarion?

Feb 02, 2011 10:26

The application period for the 2011 Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop at UC San Diego will remain open until March 1, 2011. If you've been thinking about applying for this summer's session, you've got just enough time to find a friend to enable you, revise those stories you're worried aren't quite good enough, and get the damn' application in, already!

They've got a wonderful faculty waiting in the wings, featuring Nina Kiriki Hoffman, John Scalzi, Elizabeth Bear, David Anthony Durham, John Kessel, and Kij Johnson. Thanks to Clarion's friends and supporters, there is scholarship money for those who need it. In addition to general scholarships, there are special grants for students of color, students who are affiliated with Michigan State University, and students who are affiliated with UCSD.

Delia & I have taught there twice since it moved to UCSD - what a great place to spend 6 weeks!  I can report that the program is increasingly open to interstitial writing (not just hardline genre - I mean, look at this year's teachers!), that the level of student writing is remarkably high - except for when it isn't, in which case it's the job of you & your classmates to help the others figure out how to get it there . . . in other words, the best classes we've seen are not "Who's on top?" but "We're all in this together, and everyone's success makes everyone win."  Truly. Consider it. It's exhausting and exhilirating and I'm not sure I could have done it when I was, um, your age . . . but maybe now's your time to find out.


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