The Ocean's Job

Oct 11, 2008 23:23

Title: The Oceans Job
Fandom: Ocean's 11 X The Italian Job
Pairings: Stella/Charlie
Summary: Set mid-Ocean's 12, It's funny how much a phone call can change.

Disclaimer: I do not own Oceans 11 or 12 or the Italian Job or any characters or plot lines relating to them.

Coming Home Part 2-

Linus unlocked the door and walked inside, his steps were light like all good pickpockets were, but they seemed to echo loudly in the large front hall. Linus looked around himself, completely ignoring Stella’s presence as she followed him inside, it had been under 2 weeks since he had last been here and yet it somehow looked completely different.

Linus couldn’t count the number of times he had stood on this very spot yelling that he was back from school, or with his dad as his mum lectured them on reasons that you shouldn’t teach a child to be a pickpocket. Linus smiled at the memory, but that was when realisation finally dawned on him, that was never going to happen again. He was never going to play pool with his dad while talking about how easy it was to con his teachers into marks, never listen to his dad telling him about the latest job under the promise that Linus would never tell his mum dad told him. Linus laughed slightly thinking about that, you could never keep anything from his mum, she controlled the house and the second something happened she knew about it.

Linus felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Stella standing beside him giving him a small smile, he tried to smile back in what he hoped was a reassuring way before turning and walking down the corridor towards his dad’s office.

“What time are they getting here?” Linus asked as he moved behind his dad’s desk.

“I’d say about 20 minutes,” Stella watched as he started to shuffle through the draws, “What are you looking for?”

Linus didn’t look up as he answered “I’m trying to find out which attorney has my parents will.” Pausing in his search he got up and walked around past Stella to pull few books off the shelf revealing a small in wall safe. Turning around he asked “Can you open this?”

Stella nodded taking a few steps forward “Does your dad have any tools?” Linus reached up a pulled a black bag out of a cupboard which he passed to her before returning to continue his search of the desk.

They worked in silence for a few minutes, Stella was beginning to feel annoyed, it wasn’t a hard safe to pick or anything but Bobby’s combination was really long, she assumed he was hoping who ever had to pick it would get bored and therefore never finish. Sighing she turned to Linus. “This is driving me crazy,” she said.

He looked up at her, “What’d he do?”

“Oh, it’s just a really long combination.”

Linus nodded “Do you want me to take over for a while?” At her raised eyebrow he laughed “Hey John taught me the same time as you, even if I don’t have as much practise.” Stella was about to answer him when she was cut off by the door bell. “I better get that,” Linus said and left the room.

Stella found the next number and was relieved when the safe opened. Packing up Bobby’s tools she headed out to see her father, who she assumed was at the door.


Charlie took a deep breath before pushing the doorbell. Trying the door he realised it was unlocked and let everyone in, as Lyell was shutting the door after himself Linus appeared from around the corner.

John stepped forward and gave him a quick hug. Taking a small step back he looked at Linus, he looked worn out, John figured that Stella probably hadn’t noticed but the seemed tired, like he hadn’t slept in days, even though it hadn’t been even 36 hours since Steve had turned on them. “You ok?” he asked in a soft voice

“I’m fine,” John wasn’t surprised by the answer, he figured Linus was lying but ignored it.

“I’m sorry,” Linus turned towards to voice, Charlie was standing next to John he didn’t seem nervous, but definitely wanted to know what Linus was thinking.

Shaking his head Linus took gave Charlie a half hearted high five and slap on the back “Not your fault.”

Turning towards the others Linus greeted them “hey Rob, Left-ear” then turning towards Lyell he paused for a second “Lyell right?”

“Oh, sorry” Charlie said cutting in, “Linus this is Lyell, Lyell Linus.”

“I like to call him Lenny, Len for short.” Stella called out as she made her way into the room.

John smiled and gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek. Turning to the others he introduced her, “Guys this is my daughter Stella, Stella Handsome Rob, Left-Ear, Lyell.”

After greeting had been exchanged Stella and Charlie went to show the guys around, Linus turned to John “Where are they?” he asked quietly

“In the van,” John admitted quietly.

“I can’t bring them to a funeral home, can I?” Linus asked, but he already knew the answer.

“No, not really, I’m sorry,”

“It doesn’t matter,” Linus said, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than John, “We’ll have a small funeral at the graveyard, and place them in the mausoleum that grandpa bought.” Linus stopped speaking as his voice was beginning to break. They both stood silently for a minute until Linus spoke up again. “Alright, I’ll talk to the priest, and the attorney, you guys try a prepare this place for a funeral, and shut all the curtains.” Linus paused for a moment thinking, “Also can you see if you can find somewhere to get a coffin without a lot of questions, and we need someone to clean them up.”

John looked at Linus trying to decide if he should try and talk to him about it, eventually he just agreed to do as the kid had asked, together they walked towards Bobby’s office.


Rusty turned the handle on the vault door, it had taken a while, and a very hard workout but they had managed to get in, walking forward he noticed that the share wasn’t there, instead there was a small fox figurine.



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