The Ocean's Job

Oct 02, 2008 20:36

Title: The Oceans Job
Fandom: Ocean's 11 X The Italian Job
Pairings: Stella/Charlie
Summary: Set mid-Ocean's 12, It's funny how much a phone call can change.

Disclaimer: I do not own Oceans 11 or 12 or the Italian Job or any characters or plot lines relating to them.

Coming Home Part 1-

Stella was beginning to feel anxious, Linus had called her before he got on the flight and given her the flight details, so here she was 20 minutes after the flight had landed and was still waiting for him to get through customs.

Eventually he walked through the gates, for the first time ever the sight of her childhood friend made Stella feel nervous, what do you say to someone who’s parents had just died? Granted Stella’s mother had died when she was younger, but that was of cancer, and Stella could hardly remember her, so it was different. Plus after her mothers death Annie had always been there for her, Annie all but retired after she had Linus, so while Stella’s dad and Bobby were ‘working’ out of town Stella would go and stay with Linus and Annie.

Working up her courage Stella walked over and gave Linus hug, even though it had been under a week since she had last seen him, he looked 10 years older.

“Hey ‘Nus” She said in a soft voice as they broke apart

“Don’t call me that.” It was an automatic reply, having grow up together they had gone through heaps of nicknames for each other, majority of which were hated.

“How was your flight?”

“Alright, they ran out of peanuts.” Stella forced a small laugh, they both knew it was meaningless, but at this point a pointless conversation was better than the heavy stuff.

In silence they walked to Stella’s car. It was odd having nothing to say, Stella remembered when they were in school, somehow they always ended up in the same classes and the teachers were lucky if they had 2 minutes of silence. Stella laughed slightly at the memory.

“What’s so funny?” Linus asked turning to face her.

“Remember that time in Science,” she began “Junior year when we were having that class debate, Mrs Smith decided that we wouldn’t work well together so she put us on opposite teams. Then we were presenting and you started taking it all very personally.”

“I started taking it all very personally?” Linus cut in laughing “I’m not the one who started yelling about how it was the opposition’s fault that rainforests were being killed.”

“Well your ideology stated that to work you would have to dig up the rainforests to find the fossil fuels.” Stella argued.

“So? I didn’t pick it,” Linus argued back “And I’m not the one who turned a simple debate into a round the class yelling match.”

Stella just burst out laughing at that “Mrs Smith was trying to quieten us for like 10 minutes.”

“Till she gave up and just gave us each detentions, which I still think was unfair.”

“It was unfair.” Stella agreed, “Mind you she didn’t separate us again after that.”

Nodding Linus let out a small laugh and turned his gaze back to the window.

They were silent again until Stella turned onto the M2, “Where are we going?” Linus asked panicking slightly as he turned to face her.

“Didn’t you get my message?”

Linus shook his head

“Oh,” Stella faltered slightly and took a deep breath, “We’re meeting Dad and the guys at your parents home,” letting her eyes rest on Linus for a second she finished “they’re bringing the bodies back.”

Stella watched Linus through the corner of her eye as he took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes tiredly shaking his head.

“Will you be alright?”

“Yeah,” He sighed and leant back in his seat before turning to face her, “36 hours ago my only worry was someone calling my dad to tell him what was going on with Benedict.”

Stella nodded slowly, “So, what was going on with Benedict wasn’t worrying you?”

Linus laughed “Not as much,” he told her before shaking his head “It’s a good team they’ll get the money.”

“With no help from you,” Stella joked.

He turned to face her “Well it’s their own fault,” he argued “I offered to stay a few extra days, but they all ganged up on me and told me to come back here.”

“Well that’s good,” Stella said nodding “Otherwise I’d still be worried sick about how you were taking it.”

They drove the rest of the way to Linus’s parent’s house in silence.


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