The Ocean's Job

Oct 01, 2008 22:22

So I finally get the sequel to this story in working order and won't let me post it (computer problems) so I figured I may as well just finish posting this on here. Hope anyone who should read it enjoys it, the sequel should be up soon.

Title: The Oceans Job
Fandom: Ocean's 11 X The Italian Job
Pairings: Stella/Charlie
Summary: Set mid-Ocean's 12, It's funny how much a phone call can change.

Disclaimer: I do not own Oceans 11 or 12 or the Italian Job or any characters or plot lines relating to them.


Rusty sat there looking between LeMarc and Linus, he couldn’t believe it, Bobby Caldwell, the man who had helped pull them up into the circuit, the man who had tought them the finer points of pick pocketing, was dead.

Rusty remembered when they had first met Bobby, himself and Danny had been conning a group of college frat boys out of their money using a poker game as a distraction.

Rusty looked across at Danny who shook his head and smiled slightly, the game had been easy, the kids had been stupid, and they had cleaned them out in under 1½ hours. They were just heading for the door when Rusty felt a hand on his shoulder, turning around he was face to face with a man who looked a few years older than himself.

“That was pretty good.” The man said looking between Danny and Rusty, Rusty didn’t know whether to say thankyou or turn and run for fear that he was a cop or something. Apparently seeing the look on Rusty’s face the man laughed and shook his head, “I’m not a cop. Come on I’ll buy you a drink.” The man turned and headed towards the bar.

After exchanging a look with Danny they followed him, curiosity getting the best of them. As they took a seat at the bar drinks where placed in front of them. The man turned and held out his hand, “I’m Bobby”

Danny took his hand first and shook it, “Danny,” he answered “And Rusty,” he added indicating his friend who was sitting next to him.

“Hi,” Rusty said taking Bobby’s hand.

Bobby turned back to his drink, “As I said,” he started “That was good, but it was small,” Glancing at them again, it was as if he was sizing them up, not physically, but mentally, like he was trying to see what they could do. “You two seem like smart enough kids, do you want to give the big time a go?”

Rusty looked at Danny already knowing the answer, he looked at Danny and knew he was right, he would have liked to get started that very night, but when he turned back to tell Bobby yes, he was gone. Rusty was shocked for a minute, looking around, there weren’t many people in the bar and the doors weren’t all that close to them. Rusty was impressed, and looking at Danny he could tell he was to.

Danny reached into his pocket to pay the man with the money they had won from the college kids, while he was pulling apart the bill to give the barman a card fell from the stack and hit the ground, Rusty bent down to pick it up, it looked like a normal business card. Along one side the name ‘Bobby Caldwell’ was printed and underneath it in messy scrawl was and address and time.

Rusty showed the card to Danny, who studied it for a minute “Must be for tomorrow,” he said thoughtfully, then turning to look at Rusty asked “Wanna go?” Rusty just smiled and they headed for the car.

The meeting had been about a job, it was simple enough, a jewellery store, it was just Bobby, Reuben, Rusty and Danny. Rusty remembers how nervous he had been before hand, all the anxiety that just seemed to build up as the job got closer, but it had been a small job, and they only needed a week to get ready for it. Looking over at Linus he remembered what the kid had been like in Vegas, scared out of his mind half the time, and then Rusty and the others picking on him, it had been fun though, and the kid had gotten by he was better off for it.

Rusty remembered how surprised he had been when Danny called to say the Linus had let it slip that he was Bobby’s son. In all the time they had known Bobby (which was leading up to 20 years at that stage) he had never mentioned having a son. Mind you he had also hadn’t mentioned having a wife anytime in the first 12 years, until they had all been arrested and Annie came and sprung them out of jail. Thinking back on it, Rusty’s pretty sure he remembers them talking about someone called ‘Lenny’. The kid would have been around fifteen then, Annie sprung them out and on the car ride back to the airport the two of them were talking in the front seats. Rusty didn’t think he had ever seen Bobby act that childish before, like this woman just brought it out in him, anyway Bobby was complaining about his wife telling Lenny, and how he’d never hear the end of it, getting caught and needing your wife to come and bail you out. Oddly enough that was exactly how Linus acted every time someone talked about telling his dad things.

Rusty was broken out of his musings by Danny’s voice “So, Steve, was he a part of the team?”

LeMarc nodded slowly, “Yes, for about 2 years now.” He answered.

“What’s he like?”

Shaking his head LeMarc answered, “I’m not sure, never met him.” Then turning around he spoke to Linus “Ever met him kid?”

“Nah,” Linus stood up and started making his way towards them, “Dad said he was ok, just not creative.” As he sat down Rusty’s phone rang.

Pulling it out he looked at the caller ID, “It’s Eddie Stock,” Rusty said as he answered the phone, “Hello… yeah I heard… yeah… yeah… thanks for calling.” Rusty placed the phone n his pocket and looked up at the others “Guess we weren’t on the important to call list.”

LeMarc laughed slightly, “Considering they had to keep it low for a while I’d say you weren’t too far down.”

They all sat their for a minute or two, just contemplating, there really wasn’t anything else to say, the Caldwells were dead, and their only son (that Rusty knew of anyway) was there, no one knew what to say.

Eventually Danny stood up and thanked LeMarc, Rusty followed suit, they paused for a second, unsure whether they should say something to Linus, but eventually settled for an “I’m sorry” and left.

They walked silently down the driveway. It wasn’t as though they had never known someone who died before, but the guys had trusted Steve, they must have to work with him for two years. Rusty wasn’t a paranoid person, he didn’t think that one of their crew would pull a gun on them, mind you if they didn’t pay Benedict back he would. It was kind of ironic, Benedict made a big deal about not including anyone else, yet the first person to get bullet in the head, was the father of one of the crew, granted that had nothing to do with Benedict, still happened though.

Rusty turned at the sound of footsteps behind him and was surprised to see Linus following them down the drive. “Where you just going to leave me here?” he asked, a small smile on his face. If Rusty hadn’t seen him by the pool, or in Vegas, he honestly would have believed the kid was fine.

Danny laughed lightly, “Figured you’d just get back however you got here.” He answered before turning around and leading them towards the small car.

“Well I’m not to sure how I got here,” the kid answered catching up with them. “I was kind of wondering around, and then I was here, guess I blanked out a bit in the middle.” Linus looked confused and thoughtful for a minute, as if trying to work out what had happened, before giving up and just shaking his head to clear it. “Anyway, you don’t mind do you?”

Rusty shook his head, “Not if you sit in the back.”

Linus just laughed.

The trip back to the city was quiet, Linus just sat looking out the window, apparently the small display of amusement on the driveway had taken everything out of him. Danny was driving, he kept glancing into the mirror, as if checking that the kid was still there.

After arriving at the hotel they all walked up to Rusty and Danny’s suite in silence. As they neared the room Reuben appeared in front of them.

“Did you guys hear about Bobby?” His voice was as loud and outgoing as always but it was filled with a sense of surprise Rusty had never heard before. They both nodded “What happened?”

Danny opened his mouth to answer, but stopped when he saw Linus, who had moved to sit by the window separate from the rest of the group.

Rusty realised why Danny had been so quiet since leaving LeMarc’s, he was afraid of upsetting the kid, Rusty found this kind of silly as judging by the completely blank look on Linus’s face upsetting him more would be a really hard thing to do.

Reuben followed Danny’s gaze over to the kid and he drew in a sharp breath “Damn,” he said this time in a low voice, “I’d forgotten he was here, hows he taking it?” he asked turning back to Danny.

Danny just shrugged “Alright I guess, hasn’t said much.”

“Are you sending him home?”

“That’s really his choice.”

Reuben nodded looking over at Linus again he then turned back to Danny and said in a voice that clearly said no questions “Send him home.”

Before Danny could say anything Basher and Frank came in from the other room. “What the hell happened?” Basher asked.

Livingston, Yen and the Malloys, who had been trying to watch TV from the couch looked up at the question, “Did something go wrong?” Turk asked. His eyes darted between Rusty and Danny.

“No, the meeting went fine,” Rusty answered smoothly hoping everyone would just calm down quickly.

“No not the meeting,” Basher said exasperatedly, “How’d Bobby die?”

Linus twitched, Livingston looked shocked, Yen and the twins looked confused, and Danny sighed wishing Basher hadn’t said that. Rusty realised then that Basher didn’t know Linus was Bobby’s son, the kid didn’t ever talk about it, which was a smart if he wanted to make it on his own, actually as far as Rusty knew himself, Danny, and Reuben where the only ones from their team who knew, though he wouldn’t be surprised if Saul had caught on at some time.

“Okay everyone be quiet,” Danny said, then turning towards Yen, Turk, and Virgil continued “Bobby was a pickpocket, he was a friend of ours.”

Rusty noticed Danny’s eyes quickly dart to Linus as the kid silently slipt into the kitchen, slightly more relaxed Danny continued, quickly explaining what had happened in Venice.

Nobody moved for a minute, eventually Reuben broke the trance by getting himself a glass of scotch, which he quickly drown before filling the glass again.

“Bloody hell” Basher moaned in a quiet voice, rubbing his eyes. The others nodded slightly in agreement.

“But, on a lighter note,” Danny started again “we did get a job,”

All eyes turned towards them, including Linus who had reappeared and was leaning against the door that lead to the kitchen.

“How much?” asked Virgil, happy to stop talking about the deaths of a thief and a con artist he had never met.

“2.5 mil” Danny admitted slowly.


“No.” Rusty was pretty sure that everyone except, Danny, Linus (who really didn’t seem to care) and himself groaned when they heard that. “But,” Danny continued “Once we get this one, he’ll give us a bigger job.”

“How much bigger?” Turk asked,

“Don’t know.” Nobody looked happy, or pleased by the answer “guys it’s all we’ve got,” Had anyone else said it, it would sound like they were pleading, but Danny said it as a fact. The other just grumbled and nodded their heads.

“How long will it take?” Linus asked. Rusty looked at him slightly surprised, it was the first time he had seemed even vaguely interested in the conversation.

Danny paused, he and Rusty hadn’t looked over the blueprints or planned anything yet, and he knew the kid would have to get back to Chicago for the funeral. “I don’t know, hopefully only a few days.” Linus nodded slowly.

Reuben spoke up then, apparently not realising that Linus really didn’t want to talk about his parent in front of everyone “Go home kid.”

Linus looked at Reuben, his face was completely blank, but there was a small tinge in his eye that showed that he was angry about the comment. It confused Rusty a bit seeing as he had never minded being told what to do by Reuben before, of course that had always been about a job, this is completely different. “No,” Linus said stubbornly “If it’s quick I’ll still be in time.”

“It’s not about being on time,” Reuben said in a tone of voice that was very blunt, showing he had no interest in being argued with “You’re hardly on earth now, and you’ll be no help if you can’t even think straight.”

“I can think fine.” Linus argued, he was loosing his composure an beginning to look angry, which Rusty supposed was probably better than being dead to the world. Frank, Yen, Livingston, Basher, Turk, and Virgil all looked very confused at the transaction.

“Of course you can’t think fine,” Reuben began, he was about to continue when Basher broke in.

“You’re a pickpocket,” he said turning towards Linus, everyone in the turned there eyes to Basher, confused by this outburst.

“If you’re only noticing that now then I’m doing something wrong,” Linus told him in a completely serious voice.

“No.” Basher tried to explain himself, “I mean, did you know Bobby? Did he train you?”

“Yes and yes.” Linus answered, the others looked less confused now, realising what Reuben and Linus had been talking about.

“Well if we don’t need you, you should go,” Frank said, watching Linus closely.

Rusty was slightly surprised by that, he realised that if it had been anyone else in the room people would have expected them to stay, after all as far as these guys knew Linus knew Bobby no better than Rusty or Danny. Except that Linus was the youngest, and the others would let him get away with more, it’s weird how it works, Frank probably didn’t even realise he was doing it, but as Basher, Yen Livingston an the Malloys nodded in agreement Rusty knew it was true.

Linus looked slightly startled that everyone seemed to want to get rid of him, shrugging he said “Fine, if your all going to gang up on me I’ll go,” then heading towards the door he muttered “You know considering how upset everyone was about losing someone when Saul left this is very insulting.” As he left Reuben called after him

“Call us with funeral details.”

Waving slightly in understanding Linus shut the door behind him.

Everyone was silent for a moment until Turk asked Reuben “Is there a particular reason you wanted to get rid of him?”

Reuben just shrugged and got himself another drink, “No, but considering his parents just died I think we can all agree he won’t be much help.”

“Wow, wait a second” Frank cut in “So, Bobby and Annie, who are dead, are Linus’s parents?” He was clearly surprised, as were Basher, Livingston, Yen, Turk and Virgil.

“Yes” Danny answered.

Basher shook his head lightly as if not believing it, “You couldn’t have told me that before I came into the room and started yelling about it?”

“Well you didn’t exactly give us a chance.” Rusty answered defending himself. Everyone was quiet for a moment. “Anyway,” Rusty continued, “We have to work on this job.”



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