The Ocean's Job

Oct 12, 2008 20:30

Title: The Oceans Job
Fandom: Ocean's 11 X The Italian Job
Pairings: Stella/Charlie
Summary: Set mid-Ocean's 12, It's funny how much a phone call can change.

Disclaimer: I do not own Oceans 11 or 12 or the Italian Job or any characters or plot lines relating to them.

Found Him-

“So he says he called it NAPSTER because of his nickname, but he didn’t, he called it that ‘cause I was napping when he stole it.” Lyle was really working himself up about this. And continued to complain as Linus tuned him out and looked over at Handsome Rob for help, Rob just smiled at him and shrugged, giving him a quick glare Linus turned his attention back to Lyle. “His face was all over WIRED magazine, but it should have been me.”

Linus was about to make up an excuse about needing to find a caterer, but was cut off as John came in. He looked angry, which surprised Linus as he had never seen him like that, he hadn’t even gotten angry that Halloween when Linus and Stella had squirted one of him and Bobby’s important friends (who turned out to be LeMarc) with a hose.

“Dad?” Stella asked quietly, apparently noticing the change in her father as well.

“He’s in LA.” John seemed to have calmed down now and was pacing the room, everyone had stopped talking and just watched him, waiting for an explanation.

“Who’s in LA?” Left-Ear spoke up.

“Steve” the word was full at hatred, and it was hard to imagine that 2 days ago they had been friends. Nobody moved for a minute, Linus couldn’t work out how he felt about the fact that he was in the same country as the man who killed his parents, he was angry that the man had taken his parents from him, but still upset that he hadn’t died in a freak accident that involved a plane and marmalade, and there was a part of him that wanted no more than to go to LA and shoot the guy, that in turn disturbed him a little as it seemed far to like Benedict.

Eventually Rob broke the silence, “Are we going after him? Get the money back?” He spoke quietly but after he realised what he had said he paused, and looked towards Linus trying to explain himself. “I don’t mean that it’s about the money, just, it would really piss him off.” Rob looked like he was going to continue but Linus waved him off.

“I know what you meant.” Linus said softly, he rubbed his eyes tiredly, “You guys go after him if you want, but I don’t want the money.” With that he got up and left the room. Stella looked like she wanted to follow him but Charlie’s hand on her shoulder made her stop and lean back in the chair she was sitting in.

“I shouldn’t have said that,” Rob said wishing he could take it back.

“Not your fault,” Stella assured him, “but really if you guys want to go after him you should wait until after the funeral.” The others nodded silently agreeing with her.

“Len’s right though,” Charlie spoke up “I don’t want the money now either.” He paused “mind you I wouldn’t mind seeing the look on Steve’s face when he realises it’s gone.”

Everyone sat in silence thinking about the man they once would have called a friend. Stella broke the silence this time “How much is there?”

“How much what?” John asked his daughter, confused by the question.

“Gold.” She answered

“100 mil,” John told her confused about why it was so important, hadn’t they just agreed they didn’t want the gold? “Why?”

“Use it to pay back Benedict.” Stella looked around at all the guys confused faces before it occurred to her that they didn’t know who Benedict, “Long story short he’ll kill Linus and 10 other guys if they don’t find 95 million.”

“Oh, right” Left-Ear said snapping back into it, “I heard about that.”

“I’ll talk to Lenny about it,” John said looking calmer than he had since he found out about Steve, “Stella can you fin rooms for these four?”

“Sure dad,” She said nodding “Ask Len what he wants for dinner while you’re at it.”

John gave a small laugh moving towards the door, “Order whatever you want.” He said as he left the room.

“So do we all get out own rooms?” Rob asked Stella trying to lighten the mood.

Stella lifted an eyebrow at him, “Sure,” she nodded sharply “I’ll shove you in the servants quarters.” With that she got up to leave.

“Servants quarters?” Lyle asked looking up to her, “How much help did they need?”

Stella laughed “It’s an old house,” she assured Lyle. “Come on I’ll show you to your rooms.” She gave them a little mock bow then turned and walked down the hallway.

Charlie smiled, it was good to hear her mucking around again, she had been very serious all day, granted for good reason, he knew that Stella had lived with the Caldwells while her father was in jail, but this made Charlie feel more confident that she was dealing with it ok. Charlie followed Stella down the hallway.


John found Linus sitting on the outdoor table staring at the pool. Moving forward slowly he sat next him and looked towards the water, it was calm and John found it oddly calming just watching the reflexion of the sky and surrounding trees move along the water. They sat in silence for a few minutes until John felt Linus’s eyes on him.

“Are you going?” John didn’t need to ask what Linus was talking about, and suddenly it occurred to him that this was what Linus had been thinking about, whether or not he would be hearing more about the guy who killed his parents. John had know Lenny for the kid’s whole life. John and Bobby had been close friends before the kids were born, and as Linus was only 3 weeks younger than Stella, they had gone to school together. Linus was a lot like Bobby and one of the traits he had picked up from his father was that he didn’t get angry often. John figured that Linus must have been somewhat confused about what to do with the intensive form of hatred he must have been feeling towards Steve.

“Stella had an idea,” John turned towards Linus. “Use the money to pay back Benedict.” Linus looked at John slightly surprised for a moment before nodding thoughtfully.

“Are you sure your guys don’t want it?” he asked after a moment, John just nodded, “I’ll call Rusty, see if they’ve had any luck.”

“Good,” they fell back into silence watching the reflexions move across the water.


Rusty tuned out Turk and Virgil’s argument and answered his phone, “Hello.”

“Hi,” answered the caller, Rusty was surprised to hear Linus’s voice, now Rusty wasn’t an easy person to surprise but Linus’s voice had managed to do it twice in 3 days.

“How’s it going?” Linus asked, but he didn’t really seem to care about the answer, Rusty figured he was just curious.

“Not so good,” Rusty paused wondering if the kid would ask him to go on, he didn’t so Rusty continued anyway, “The job was pointless, someone else got there first.”

“Toulour?” Linus asked, before Rusty could answer he continued “Doesn’t matter, listen.”

“Listening,” Rusty was just curious about the reason for the call by this point, they hadn’t heard from Linus since they ‘ganged up on him’ and the kid had certainly never given Rusty an order before, but then again it wasn’t really an order, probably more of a request. Rusty remember how much energy it seemed to take out of Linus to talk to him when they were leaving LeMarc’s, so maybe he just wanted to get the call over a done with.

“Remember Steve?”

Stupid question Rusty thought, of course he remembered Steve, the guy he had never met. “Yeah, I remember Steve.”

“Good,” Linus paused for a moment and Rusty considered handing the phone to Danny, who was talking to Reuben about something on the balcony, he’d probably know what to say better than Rusty. However Linus cut off this line of thought by continuing “He’s in LA, and has about 100 million dollars worth of gold with him.”

Rusty was shocked for a second, that must have been the job he realised, “and you want to get it back?” he asked slowly.

“No,” came an urgent reply from the other end of the line, it was the only emotion Rusty had heard in his voice so far, “I don’t want to have anything to do with it, but we do need 95 mil, and John and his guys don’t want it.” Rusty wasn’t someone who was bad with words, but he honestly didn’t know what to say after that, luckily he didn’t need to because Linus once again cut him off before he had started “I’ve gotta go, but just so you know funeral’s the day after tomorrow, and if you want the gold you’ll have to let John and the others in on it, bye.”

“Bye,” Rusty hung up the phone, and just looked at it for a second before heading out to the balcony.


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