Feb 06, 2006 14:20
There are many things that suck about being diabetic and I’m sure you’re all aware of most of them, including things like heart disease, gangrene, chopped off limbs, blindness, etc.
But one of the more minor things that sucks about diabetes is inexplicable, constant low blood sugars.
See, when your blood sugar drops, you must compensate for this by eating. And my blood sugar dropped close to a dozen times this weekend. Inexplicably. I stopped taking insulin almost altogether. Granted, I was pretty active all weekend, but that shouldn’t have mattered in such a dramatic way.
Last night, after having drank a can of coke and eaten a luna bar and a bowl of rocky road, my blood sugar dropped. Again. I just started crying. It was one in the morning and I felt like my stomach was going to explode with fullness and yet I still had to eat so I wouldn’t fucking go into a coma. Hurrah. Dan said nice things to me and patted me on the back and then made me a glass of sugar water and a PBJ. Which I managed to eat. Which also explains why I didn’t eat breakfast. Too fucking full.
So far today no low bloodsugars. Here’s crossing my fingers.
These things are minor compared to the immense bullcrap sticking to lots of other folkses’ shoes these days. I realize that. Still. It sucks to be so unable to have any control over your life that you must keep eating in order not to go into a diabetic coma. For no reason that you can understand. An inexplicable drop in blood sugar. Suckin.
Perhaps this goes some distance in explaining why I am such a bossy moo cow in other areas of my life.