Days Like These 8/10 by elizagoth7, R

Dec 11, 2009 13:33

Castle stuck his head into Alexis’s room, seeing on her bed reading a book.

“Hey Dad, what’s up?” she asked, sitting up and crossing her legs.

“Have you seen your Grandmother?”

“Oh, she left a little while ago. Something about meeting some friends for dinner, why?”

Castle sighed, coming to sit on the end of her bed.

“I’ve got a meeting with Paula about the new book. She’s talked the publishers into giving me an extension, but they want me there to talk it over.”

“So go,” Alexis said.

“Kate and I will be fine. She’ll be asleep for awhile yet and I’m sure I can handle bringing her whatever she needs.”

Castle bit his lip, unsure. He knew she was right and Beckett would be asleep until well after he was back, but she had good days and bad days. So far that day hadn’t been one of her better ones.

“Dad, I promise to call you if something happens.”

He could picture the angry lecture from Paula if he cancelled, and he really did need that extension.

“Okay, but if you need me, I’m only a phone call away,” he said, as Alexis started leading him to the hallway.

“Yes Dad.”

“And if she wakes up, just tell her I’ll be back in a couple hours. There’s soup in the fridge if she’s hungry, and make sure that she has Bunny.”

“I know Dad,” Alexis said, handing him his coat and pushing him out the front door. Closing the door, she sighed in relief, feeling sorry for whoever babysat her the first time.

Alexis looked up from her book, listening for sounds from across the hall. Eventually her ears picked up the sounds of muted scuffling coming from her father’s room. Setting her book down, Alexis walked across the hall to check on Beckett.

The dim light in the bedroom cast shadows where Beckett slept. Alexis saw her hands fist in the sheets as she whimpered and cried out. Quietly, Alexis walked around to Beckett’s side of the bed. She reached out a hand, resting it on the woman’s shoulder.

Beckett jolted awake, wincing when she flipped to face a startled Alexis. The girl made a note never to sneak up on Beckett when she wasn’t drugged.

“Alexis? What-” she frowned, trying to focus.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. It’s just you were having a nightmare and Dad’s not here.”

Seeing she was trying to sit up, Alexis rushed forward to help then sat beside her.

“Where did he go?”

“He had a meeting with his agent. He shouldn’t be gone for more than a couple hours. In the mean time, it’s just you and me. Do you need anything?”

Beckett sighed, yawning.

“What time is it?”

“A little after five. Are you hungry? Dad mentioned soup, but I could do something else if you wanted,” Alexis rambled, unsure how to handle the situation.

“Soup would be great. Can you pass me my robe there, over the back of the chair.”

“I can bring it up to you,” said Alexis, handing Beckett the flannel housecoat.

“It’s alright. I need a change of scenery anyway,” she smiled, attempting to stand.

Her legs shook unsteadily beneath her and Alexis took one of her arms, putting it across her shoulders and letting Beckett lean on her.

“My dad would kill me if he found out you did this on your own,” Alexis insisted.

Understanding, and grateful for the excuse, Beckett let the girl help shoulder her slight weight as they slowly walked from the bedroom, down the hall to the stairs. Beckett held the railing while Alexis helped her down one step at a time until they reached the bottom. They stumbled slightly as they reached the couch, but Beckett stretched out across the leather, glad for the warmth of the fireplace.

After making sure Beckett was comfortable, Alexis went back up the stairs to retrieve the pill bottles and Bunny from her father’s room. She put the pills on the table and handed the toy to Beckett, who took it with a thankful smile.

“So Dad has chicken noodle in here,” Alexis called from the kitchen.

Worried when there was no response, she walked over to find Beckett fast asleep again. She rolled her eyes, smiling and went back upstairs to retrieve her book. Alexis settled in the corner of the sectional sofa, arranging Beckett so she slept with her head resting in Alexis’s lap. With one hand to hold the book and turn the pages, Alexis ran her fingers gently through Beckett’s auburn hair, hoping the sensation would keep the woman in a peaceful sleep.

Castle walked in the door, a bag of Chinese food under one arm. He stopped when he caught sight of Beckett and Alexis both asleep on the couch. Alexis had one arm stretched over the back of the couch, holding a book in loose fingers and her head tipped back at an odd angle, while Beckett was stretched out over the rest of the sofa with Bunny held tightly.

His first thought was worry for how they had gotten down there without him, but he forced himself to relax and take a moment to absorb the scene before him. Castle knew he would always miss the little girl he hadn’t gotten a chance to know, but would always be forever grateful for what she had brought him. With Beckett there, even in her melancholy state, his family felt complete and whole. Alexis had the strong independent female role model he had always wanted for her, and he had the person who made his world turn and forced him to be a better example himself.

“Hey munchkin. What are you guys doing down here?” he whispered, shaking Alexis lightly.

“Dad? When did you get back?”

“Just now. Is everything alright?”

“Fine. Kate was hungry so I was going to make her soup, but she fell asleep before I could.”

“She didn’t fall did she?” he asked worriedly.

“No, Dad.”

“Did you?”

Alexis sighed and gave him an exasperated look she could have only learned from Beckett.

“Okay, okay. I brought Chinese if you’re hungry. I’m just going to get Kate back to bed.”

“She’s been in bed for two days Dad. I think she was starting to go a little stir crazy. Can’t she just stay here and eat with us?”

Castle sighed.

“We’ll see what she says. Go on, get a plate and start eating. I’ll be there in a minute.”

Alexis nodded, carefully extracting herself from under Beckett’s head then walking out to the kitchen where the bag of food sat on the counter.

Castle rubbed Beckett’s shoulder gently, not wanting to startle her.

“Kate. Honey wake up. Just for a minute.”

He smiled when her hazel eyes fluttered open and gazed at him groggily.

“Rick? Where’s Alexis?”

“She’s in the kitchen. I brought Chinese home, do you think you could eat some?” he asked, knowing her appetite had been meager at best since she’d checked into the hospital.

“I think so,” she said, slowly accepting his help and sitting up.

“Alexis said you went for a walk today.”

“I’m feeling it now,” Beckett winced as her muscles cramped in protest.

“Dr. Fielding said you should be taking it easy for a couple weeks.”

“I know, I know. I promise, no more field trips without you for awhile,” she said, kissing him slowly.

“You talk too much you know that? Now let’s get to the table before Alexis starts to worry.”

Castle laughed and carefully lifted her into his arms.

fic, castle

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