(no subject)

Jan 09, 2011 21:03

Christ it's been a week. Fitzy started vomiting again. Curse of LJ I suppose, the minute I say all is well it all goes tits up again.

By Friday he was back in Emerg, fortunately the same doc was there who saw him last time. She said he looked better and to just keep up with what we're doing, pedialyte to keep him hydrated and that there's no telling how long his twee little body will need to keep fighting this off. She gave us her schedule for this week in case we need to bring him back.

I realized he's starting to pull a Rachel Zoe/Nicole Richie...his twee little chest bones are sticking out because he's lost so much weight. :(

Today was supposed to be my big fun shopping day with my mom to celebrate my birthday, except when I woke up poor Fratboy looked like refried death on the couch. Apparently he's on round 3 of this himself, he'd been up since 3am vomiting and kept making mad dashes back and forth to the bathroom.

Right then, change of plan. Called my mom, she said to bring the kids and my step-father could watch them while we shopped. Naturally in the hour it took to drive up to her place one of their tenants called with an emergency plumbing problem so there went the baby sitter.


Shopping with 2 sick cranky kids? Not so much on the fun side.

However on the plus side I still have my mom with me to laugh all this stuff off. And if my birthday is going to go all tits up I can't imagine a better reason than the house full of boys that I get to be all gross and mushy loving like I'm in the middle of a KILLER hormonal spike in my menstral cycle. Ha.

So last year I got Norwalk for my birthday. Today I'm surrounded by vomity ill people. I'm not holding out much hope for tomorrow but the Universe has been known to surprise me. I swear to all that is glittery, all I want for my birthday is not to vomit and not to have to take anyone to the hospital. That's it. Let the boys miraculously be better tomorrow and we're golden, got it Universe?

Also. With the hahaha? Today as I was chatting with my mom Fratboy's age came up for some reason and she was all "What?!! He's not 34!" I just looked at her kind of funny and assured that yes, he really, honestly is 34.

Mom: But. But, I could have SWORN he was younger than you?!!




Me: Mom. You do know I'm not ACTUALLY 29 anymore right?

She seriously had no clue.

why is there so much vomit in my life?, shrinky dink is my zen, family, fitzy, special occasions, fratboy

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