Bit of a clusterfuck from the get-go. The boys started ass squirting all over again with just enough vomit thrown in to make the grandparentals back out of taking them for the night since they were sick too.
Pussies. Ha.
Kay being the queen of the world insisted she would stay with the boys so we wouldn't have to miss our dinner out. Fratboy actually got home on time, no overtime needed. I actually had time to shower and gussify a bit. The place was really nice when we got there...
An odd but interesting tasting menu
Me looking as cute as possible in the swanky batheroom after 2 weeks of relentless sleep deprivation thanks to Pukefest 2010
Fratboy looked fantastic too, but you'll have to take my word for that tho cuz I try not to shame him by getting too lowbrow and retarded in swanky restaurants and taking smooshy pix of him. There's always later at home for that. Except. Then I finished dessert and went from 'mmmmm that was yummy' to 'OMG I'M GOING TO DIE WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH MY INSIDES??!' within like 2 minutes. Poor Frattie's all chatting away all the way home oblivious to the sweating, trembling mass who's too focussed on not crapping herself in the car to make words.
Get home and I head straight upstairs, Fratboy right behind me thinking I'm getting all frisky when really I'm about to yell WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ALIEN INSIDE ME AND WHICH END IS IT GOING TO COME OUT OF??!
And so that's how I wound up ringing in the New Year on my knees. In front of the toilet.
Ah, the glamorous life.