(no subject)

Oct 09, 2009 12:53

Fuck, what an insanely busy week. I'm a GUBBERMENT WORKER dammit. I should be sitting here annoying you with hourly useless posts just to pass the time. I can't believe I haven't had time to post all week.

You haven't missed much.

Kneegs currently has me enthralled by a blow by blow account of a huge fight between my neighbours going down right out on the street. Fratboy just called the police.


Did he forget he IS the police??

I confuse real easy.

Also Canadian Thansgiving snuck right the fuck up on me this year. How the shit is it this weekend?? Thank Christ we are visiting instead of cooking this year. Though I suppose I do still have to run around and throw some contributions together. messyone provided the most amazing sounding chocolate pumpkin pie recipe that I will have to try making for us, but Frattie's sister tends to contribute a pie to the dinner so god forbid I step on any toes with my big fat mancalves.

Speaking of which there was a big brouhaha with the gym firing Kay's trainer so we quit in solidarity. Apparently we will privately train with him now. I've never personally trained. This should be interesting.

Watching the world froth at the mouth over Obama's Nobel Peace Prize has been fun. Life is much simpler as the amused spectator rather than a combatent.

Though I really can't figger out if my lack of frothy mouthed opinions these days mean I am growing as a person or dying inside? Ha. I kid, of course. For sure I am the Dalaist of all Lamas and y'all can bow to my zen mastery.

Or. You know. Vodka is just more fun.

So is Fratboy hosed after his end of shift celebrations. I so enjoy that man drunk off his ass. It's actually worth staying sober for.


How many of you actually take all this vodka talk seriously? I know my tongue is firmly in me cheek, but I forget sometimes that there are, you know, PEOPLE reading this. Who, you know, have ACCESS TO TELEPHONES AND CHILDREN'S AID...

die fatty die, wow i'm an asshole, at least i crack myself up, sobriety tastes like dirty feet, mitmip, fratboy, copcicles, bitchez, shrinky dink is my zen, best of, mother of the year

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