(no subject)

Sep 23, 2009 12:49

Lord, I spent the morning trapped in a training session that was so boring it literally gave me the shits. True story. I was fine before I went into the meeting but throughout the whole thing my bowels were attempting the lambada. As soon as it was over? Totally fine again.

My body, she moves in mysterious ways.

As Kneegs ever so helpfully pointed out, I have an unhealthy obsession with texting her whenever I have the shits. She says it's a clear indicator of my underlying racism. You know. Because she's brown?

It's okay, take a minute. Lord knows I had to.

Choad Punch Of The Day goes to Skechers today, for their totally asinine advertising of their new Shape Ups shoes. As a ferengi foot sufferer if you had just left it at improves circulation and posture and strengthens the back, that's all good. But really? "Get in shape without setting foot in a gym"?? Knock it the fuck off. The only way to get in shape is to work harder. A lot harder. There is no magic pill or potion or shoe that will do the work for you and clearly I have some underlying issue around this because shit like this make me CRAZY WITH THE CHOAD PUNCHING RAGE. Kind of like my underlying racism except this is actually true.


As a much needed counterpoint to my overwhelming anger and race relations issues, Fratboy passed on Luminous Emptiness: Understanding The Tibetan Book of the Dead and right off the bat they hit me with: "Whatever happens to us after death is simply a continuation of what is happening to us now in this life, even though it manifests in unfamiliar ways. As the text says, 'samsara is reversed, and everything appears as lights and images.' We are not catapulted into a completely different world, we just perceive the same world in a different way." Now I don't know whether that is any more or less true than any other religion's take on it, but it's a rather lovely alternative to the whole Meatsuit Destiny angst to sit with for a while.



The Problem With Marriage As Succintly Summarized In One Text:

So I was talking to Fratboy about buying some pies for charity yesterday to see if he was down. As a lover of both pie and good deeds (but mostly pie) he was indeed. With business taken care of our conversation quickly devolved into its usual filth and lechery. Inspired, I suggested we incorporate the pies into our filth in new and creative ways.

His response?

"As long as its your piece."

bitchez, at least i crack myself up, meatsuit destiny, fratboy

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