(no subject)

Jan 24, 2009 22:19

I tend to be a pretty oblivious person in general. I forget shit 2 minutes after you've said it, I'm covered in bruises because I just don't see obstacles in my path until I've run into them, I'm just an all-round with it kind of person, you know? So it wasn't until today that I noticed my neighbours still have all their Christmas decorations up. We're not just talking Christmas lights either, but ornaments on all the trees and bushes and poinsettias and all sorts of pretties all over the front lawn and porch. And I couldn't help but wonder if they're just oblivious too right now, given everything else they've had to deal with. Or if they're perfectly aware of it all but can't bring themselves to take it down, given that they're the last decorations Janet will ever have put up.

Not exactly the sort of thing you can ask about.

And then the breaking news came that an officer from Fratboy's division was shot in the head tonight during an armed robbery at a beer store. Fortunately Fratboy was sitting beside me when the story broke, or this would be a much different post. But still. I just had to kiss him goodbye and watch him drive away and typing this post is the first time I've been able to sit down in the past couple of hours. I've just been pacing and pacing and pacing.

I generally bounce and twirl my way through the day to day in comfortable denial of my Meatsuit Destiny. I don't do so well when the reality is staring me in the face. And it occurs to me now that I'm not quite sure how I'm supposed to do this either, this waving goodbye night after night knowing that each time could be the last time I see him. I've enjoyed my stay in Denial, but the Universe sure seems determined to break me of that this week.

I'd gnash my teeth but they're too broken and in pain right now.

And I bent over to help Fitzy pick a bedtime toy and ripped the ass clean out of my pajama pants. No, there's no bouncing ball to follow there, other than I'm sitting my half bare ass on this faux-leather chair and it's annoying me.

Plus they were totally my favourite pajama pants.


And they've totally got to stop making kids medicine taste so good. Not that I imagine it was much fun in the old days trying to get ass flavoured anything into an unwilling kid. But they've gone so far in the other direction that Twisty G is forever haranguing me for medicine because it tastes like candy to him. Quite theatrical about it he can be, putting on these huge displays of fake coughing in his attempts to get some medicine out of me. It can be exhausting playing 120 questions to figure out whether there's actually anything wrong or not. But tonight when I went up to cuddle he said there was a fire in his head. Huh. That's a new one. I asked him what he meant and he said there was a fire burning inside his head and then he mimicked a huge whooshing fire going off. "Like a headache?" I asked him. "No mommy, like a headFIRE. It burns. It burns a lot."

He got his medicine.

And I have a headfire now too. He's not lying, it burns a lot.

angst, i hate teeth, death sucks, fitzy, meatsuit destiny, bunny, fratboy

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