(no subject)

Jan 25, 2009 19:56

Upon closer inspection not only did my favourite pajama pants split down the seam, they actually tore clean across the ass as well. Not unlike I'd expected them to look after numerous truly spectacular farts I'll be honest. Except I swear this time there was nothing untoward involved. It's like the entire ass of my pants said fuck it and gave up at once.

Can't say I blame them.

Anyway rumour has it that you can buy new pajama pants at Walmart. For less than ten bucks. True story. So tonight I decided to live a little and instead of trying to patch my poor threadbare ass, I just went and shelled out a whole $9 for new pajama pants. They're black with white polka dots and pretty damned cute except I grabbed a medium and hoped for the best and they're sliding off me I have to admit. In what alternate Universe did my ass and hips end up a small? Gotta love vanity sizing. Except the reality is I've still got a few more inches of flub left to beat off me so what then? If I shrink past the XS do I have to start wearing kids clothes? Like, seriously? People Who Know Things assure me that I just have to stop shopping in bargain joints like Walmart and Old Navy and join the world of Quality and Real Sizing. Except I gotta be honest paying 10 times as much for the same crap except in bigger sizes to make me feel fat? Not really sounding all that appealing no matter who's name ends up on my ass.

Nope, no point here at all.

This cold is kicking my ass. Cold medication is fun. Snot is not. Hey, that rhymes.

I should really go lie down now...

die fatty die

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