Post Camping Thoughts

Jul 01, 2014 10:08

We're not going to Pennsic this year, so now that Lilies and Trilliums (I refuse to call it "Trillies") are over, so's my SCA summer camping. That's actually a little sad :(

Now it's time for a little post-game analysis.

1. I have a child. This year he was four year old. Don't forget to pack activities. We own both a Kubb ("Viking skittles") and a Bocce (Italian lawn bowling) set and I didn't think to pack either of them. I did pack the Melissa & Doug ring toss game, but didn't think to take it over to mstress_elianor's camp when we visited. Planning fail. Also, last year, I brought a craft: some felt cutouts for making animals. I forgot about that this year, but he didn't. It was almost the first thing he asked for after we got the tent set up.

2. I really must make a wider "front porch" for our tent. We're thinking about getting a new pavillion next year, but regardless, a little more hangout space outside would be nice.

2.b. I'm officially tired of the roman wall tent with it's 3' side walls. I hate having to stoop over to reach anything anything not in the center of the tent. I'd say I'm getting old, but frankly, my parents used cabin tents when they were much younger than I am now. I'm going with they 'they were smart; I've been stubborn' card.

3. Also tired of the snap together wire shelving. Short-term solutions aren't meant to be held onto for 10 years! Time to make one of these: ... or something similar.

4. I really hate water in the bottom of the coolers. I especially hate coffee cream floating in water at the bottom of the coolor. Ick. Must manage that better next year.

5. I need to replace most of my shifts. They're worn out. I guess stuff that's only worn a couple weekends a month, and a couple weeks a year eventually gets worn out, too!

6. I never get to spend as much time on the archery range as I would like. Especially at Trilliums. This year the only time I shot was the Adult/Child shoot with Lex. I think I heard Larisa say that we came in 5th. I did shoot in the Rose Tourney at Lilies, but didn't do as well as I would have liked. I also did the 100 Arrow Shoot again, made it into the tourney, but was eliminated in 4 rounds. Lex only let me take him to the children's range at Lilies once. That disappointed me a little.

OK, Lex is asking for some blueberry water (thanks mstress_elianor for introducing him to Mio!), so I'm going to go take care of him. There may be more thoughts later.

alexander, lilies, sca, camping, archery, friends

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