Copied from my "Think Geek" e-flyer today:
"Happy 106th anniversary of the Tunguska event
"It took a really long time to write these few sentences, because the Tunguska event is just so awesome, in both senses of the word, that we kept getting sucked in (although we don't buy the Black Hole theory). Scientists are still not quite sure what it was but the current prevailing theory is that the blast was created by a meteor air burst, much like Chelyabinsk event a little over a year ago. Except Chelyabinsk was amateur hour by way of comparison: Tunguska flattened trees over an 800 square mile area and created noctilucent clouds across Europe and Asia, making the skies glow at night. So next time you wish upon a shooting star, request that it doesn't create havoc on Earth."
I just love the last line.
(FYI, for those unfamiliar with the event: