Finding Plumb

Feb 01, 2014 13:29


After several weeks of fighting off mucus, a sore throat, fatigue, and insomnia I'm starting to level off. I haven't been flat out sick with a fever and staying home, but I've been run down enough that I'm avoiding any nonessential people least they catch whatever I've been fighting off. It sucks.

I've miss a lot of kung fu, no biking (wind and dust) and no hiking (more dust!). The most I've done is a lot of yoga and stretching. My back and hips are way tight, but loosening up. The Wee Beasties love it when I roll out the mat. They seem to think I'm one of them or there for their benefit.


I've been feeling cooped up lately, which might be from the being sick and staying in. ickaimp and I are plotting a trip to San Diego to see shade_scribbler and yu_gi_oh_freak. Both have passed their quals and it's long past time I went out to see them. The original plan was to rent a car, but it's cheaper to replace the tires on my car and just drive it out there. So, I'm also resting up to make sure I'm well enough to enjoy the trip and not relapse from too much fun.

Checking the weather I've discovered that is is going to be overcast and rainy when we get there. Every time I go there the weather gets downright English. Every time. I don't get it. At least I'll be able to wear my awesome knitted items. Silver lining dammit.

My friend has her aunts visiting next month and has invited me to go to Sedona and the Grand Canyon with them. Tempting. Very tempting. Her aunts are hoot. This trip is all about checking stuff off their bucket list and it's rather inspiring.

I would like to do another trip in the fall. I'm torn between Boston (I've never been to New England), DC (museums!!!!), and New Orleans (it's all about the French Quarter).


In the meantime I'm squirreling away as much money as I can.

I'm trying to be a responsible adult. This is harder than it sounds since I'm all about instant gratification.I want debt gone now. I want to travel now. I want... Now! Now! Now! Watching the slow progress of the debt dwindling down and saving growing is almost painful at times.

The only debt I have right now is my student loans, and that's an amazing feeling. Even if it is going to take me ten years to pay it off.

I just did my taxes and I'm getting refunds. Hopefully I get it in time for San Diego, if I don't then I'll stash it in savings for car repairs in the future or vet visits (god forbid) or what not. Right now it's just save money. In 2015 I'll move on to the next phase. I just need to remember that this year is just about saving money. That's all. Easy peasy. Save the money. 
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