O! The Mucus!

Jan 13, 2014 18:55

I have a sinus infection.

*tosses confetti*

Oh, and by confetti I mean tissues. I've possibly deforested a small New England state with all the tissues I've gone through in the past three days. Ugh!

Thankfully my roommie and my hetero-lifemate are keeping me stocked in food, drugs, and tea. I spent most of the weekend on the couch being completely miserable and watching "The L Word" until the roommie finally vetoed it in favor of something with explosions. The kitties also took turns cuddling with me, although I suspect that they were really trying to stake first claim on the choice edible bits my still warm corpse. Alas, I haven't died and they are still dining on crunchies.

The only slightly productive thing I managed to get done was some journaling. I may post it later. Or I may not. It was mostly to see where my head is at about some certain things and I'm happy to say that things are finally starting to level off. Progress, I'm making it!

My Inner Athlete is on break until the mucus is gone. Between the not breathing and the wonderful medicine head I'm just conserving my energy to make it through the work day. I might do some stretching later, but that's going to be it.

So, yeah. That's the excitement over here. 
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