(no subject)

Jan 04, 2014 17:23

It hasn't been quite a week, but things are going pretty well.

I've been riding my bike almost every other day. Nothing major. I've staked out my route: a nice easy 3 mile stretch of the river with only one minor hill (I hate that hill). I finally started timing my rides to see if they are getting any faster. I'm down from 21 minutes to 16 minutes. I still have to pause occasionally for breathers, but it's feeling easier. My confidence on the bike is also increasing and I'm not feeling like I'm going to face plant every time I come to stop.

Stacy and I decided that we wanted to hike this year and agreed to one hike a month. Considering how close she lives to Sabino Canyon it's pretty easy. Today we went on our first hike on the Lower Bear Canyon Trail going towards 7 Falls. To get to the falls it's about 4.5 miles (one way). We made almost 2 miles before my knee started to get a bit upset. So we erred on the side of caution and called it a day (because however far we make it into the canyon we have to make it back out).

That distance took us about 1.75 hours and considering that I did a 5K in 45 minutes I feel like this was really slow. However, this path isn't level or smooth. We stopped a couple of times from breathers and to just enjoy the view though. I also need a walking stick. My knee is doing better, but the stick will definitely help the balance and getting around rocks and such.

To further help with the knee I've started doing some yoga/stretching at home.

I found that the local rock climbing place in town has a women's only class for new climbers. It's an 8 week course, but it costs $250. I'll probably wait until their next class because it's really not in the budget for the next month. The idea of this class has me a bit nervous. I'm not really strong and I can't do a single push up and my knee is still rebuilding. I'll probably be the weakest and worse person in the class. Fuck it. Got to start somewhere.

Kung fu is going well. Spear is a fun weapon, but my god the form is freaking long! And apparently it's a tough one for footwork and twisting. My luck!

The only thing I'm worried about it is my stamina and breathing. My heart rate goes way up very easily and I've been having problems breathing. Things that I used to be able to do without issues are tougher now. Not sure what's up with that, but I'm hoping that what I'm doing will help with that and that it passes quickly.
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