An Open Letter to 2014

Jan 01, 2014 16:30

Dear 2014,

Don't tell this to 2013, but it really was my rebound year. I spent a lot of time throwing myself into things without thinking. I didn't pause, I just went from thing to thing to thing. The idea was that if I kept doing things I wouldn't have to think too much or feel too much. I was adapting to social and physical mobility. My emotions were sore and overwhelming and it really did take the better part of the year for them to heal up.

Now that you're here I want to have an idea of where we're going. I'm not going to plan every day or week or month. I just want a general idea of what the goals are. What do I want? What will make me happy? What will make me feel productive? I'm really looking forward to our relationship for the next 365 days.

There are aspects of myself that I haven't cultivated in the past few years. I would really like for us to spend more time being physical: biking, dancing, Kung Fu, Yoga, etc. But I don't want to lose other aspects of myself that I cherish like my creativity and my artistry.

So, here's to the next 365 days. I hope my letter to 2015 is that it has some big shoes to fill because this year was so amazing.

Elinor Dear
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