You know how hard it is to be on a reduced-sugar diet right around Valentine's Day, right? And that a lot of us here go on "fabric fasts"? And that sometimes we fall off the wagon?
8m of four different types of fabric, because they were licensed flannelettes (McDonalds and Toronto Maple Leafs, if you have to know, and the TML fabric was DOUBLE-WIDE omg omg omg). And the worst part was that I LOOKED for more fabric. I wanted to make my son a Maple Leafs jammies set, and then pit him against his daddy wearing a Montreal Canadiens jammies set! But they didn't have the Habs... which meant I should have foregone the Leafs, but I didn't...
Bad Elf.
But there's an even more superlative "worst"...
I've got this on lay-away. It was on sale, same place as the fabric. My Workhorse is beginning to require more than annual maintenance, and my Princess (Bernette) isn't mine anymore, but my daughter's, plus it doesn't like Velcro, which means I don't like the machine, so there, and the Juggernaut is an old machine that doesn't HAVE the bells and whistles that automate the sewing of more delicate fabrics. There were only 2 Janome Decors left (model DC2007LE), and I've had my eye on it since September. I don't like drop-in bobbins, but the 7 different types of buttonholes make up for it... which means the computerized stitches is also a forgivable con. I should be able to bring it home by May. *whimper*
Oh, what a terrible credit card bill to come... for the next few months...
So. Anyone in Canada/Ontario know what I need to do to get certified to TEACH people to sew and get paid for it? Because with FOUR sewing machines in the house, I've got two "spares" that can be trucked around for student use. (What, SELL them? ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME? My BABIES!)