So E. is all hyped up about some book series she's reading. Twilight something-or-nother. Yeah, that's nice, whatever, you said vampire. I continue on with my life, not caring any more. Then
Head Trip referenced it, and I went looking. (I now know who the Edward Cullen is I keep randomly seeing in icons.) And
this is gold.
Seriously, I wrote better crap than that in middle school, and it's not like they weren't self-absorbed, better-left-unwritten-never-mind-published little monstrosities. Sparkly vampires. Dear god. (Really, I can't believe E. is reading these books. Those are for the YA, of the YA, by the YA. You're 21, not 12. And then to suggest them to *April* to read? Those aren't doom-and-gloom vampires. I don't think they even drink blood. And the reason they stay out of sunlight is because they sparkle under the brightness of the day star? I can feel brain cells dying just reading the reviews of these books, never mind actually touching them...)
Have been promoted up the corporate ladder at work. Margret started last Monday, and I've taken to being bossy like a pro. Admittedly I give her five minutes before I step in, take over, and complain that she's messed the entire thing up. By the time I'll have gotten her properly trained, her two months will be up and I'll be back to being low man on the totem pole. It's nice having her there- makes me realize I've learned a crap-ton about the industry in the 2+ years I've been there. Though she makes person number three to mock my phone voice. Waaah! It's not my fault! The only way I can slow my voice down is to completely Southernize it! I hate speaking and kind of rush through the words to get them all out as soon as possible. So yes, I do say Stiii-ulls. I made her make phone calls, and every time she got voice mail, it was "thisisMargretatStiles!Yourpartsarehere!kthxbai!" So she has no room to talk. At least I make the effort to be intelligible.
Have discovered she's got the same fear of drive-thru that I do. For different reasons though- she's kind of short and has to pretty much get out of the car to get her food from the window. Hee. (It probably doesn't help that the first time she tried drive-thru, she skipped the speaker and went straight to the window and sat around wondering why they weren't opening the window with her food.)