Doctor Who - Dark Water

Nov 02, 2014 17:30

A few thoughts....
  • Those things at the beginning on the planet looked a lot like poppies to me.
  • I've walked through that park in Cardiff with the sculptures.
  • The Doctor keeps one of the keys in a copy of "The Time-Traveller's Wife" (wonder if he considers it romance or comedy?)
  • Apart from the clicking to open the Tardis; is the spare key still kept in a cubby hole just over the P?
  • If dark water x-rays all all inorganic matter, why can we still see the chairs the skeletons are sitting on?
  • Is it really the Master? If it is, how did he get back from Gallifrey (probably through the crack at Christmas), and how did he get a new set of regenerations? Last time he came back, he was resurrected artificially and it was incomplete so his life-force wasn't stable. Was he even Gaillifreian at that point? Could the Timelords have resurrected him properly; and why would they do that?
  • Is Missy lying and it really is the Rani? Why can't the Doctor tell? I thought Timelords were able to recognise each other when they met?
  • The Doctor didn't abandon the Master. The Master sacrificed himself to save all realities from Rassilon and the return of Gallifrey.
  • Missy obviously has utilised Cyberman engineering to create an army to take over the world. Why harvest particular brain patterns? I'm assuming you don't need to download the same brain into the same body do you? Is she after certain tactical brains to put into her soldiers, but first stripping them of emotions and so make them easier to control.
  • How long has she been doing this? How long has there been a large number of Cybermen under St Pauls? Are those bodies people who donated them thinking it was some kind of cryogenic freezing thing?
  • Hoping Danny doesn't come back. Unless they are able to fix his conveniently frozen body and isolate his brain pattern and rejoin the two. Hope I'm wrong with that.

doctor who

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