LAST ONE (for now) I SWEAR

Apr 05, 2010 23:34

Characters: Razer and Erol [closed]
Location: The Alexandria Library
Date: April 3, after this.
Rating: PG-13

Razer is unconscious. Being unconscious, there isn't much he can say or do about his current situation. He can't complain about the fact that Damas left him on his front, or that he also left him ontop of more than one hardback book, or even that the bruises the king left behind are very, very dark.

Razer has always hated how profoundly he bruises, but it's one of the downsides to having such pale skin. It's like sunburning that way.

If he were awake, Razer would debate the accuracy of that comparison. However, he can't right now.

Because he's unconscious.

closed, razer, erol

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