You Hit Him, I Hurt You

Apr 05, 2010 20:32

Characters: Erol and Damas [closed]
Location: Forest
Date: Right freakin' now
Rating: R for Erol D:

Whenever someone attacked Razer, they would find an Erol on their heels. This predictable pattern may become a tactical weakness if someone figured it out, but Erol wasn't known for doing things the safe (or sane) way.

Let me lead an assault on the Nest before it's too late! I can take him!

Erol smirked as he waited behind a tree trunk.  It was a good spot; the top of a little hill, next to where the stream ran down.  The stream was a favorite "picnic spot" for many passengers. He'd already seen a dog and a couple others pass through. But they weren't who he was interested in.

No, he wanted someone very specific.

Jak's daddy.

The old king wasn't likely to bend to Erol's best-known methods. Violence, though entertaining, wouldn't really get him anywhere.

Erol had something different in mind for payback on the dark bruises marring Razer's skin.

damas by katu, erol

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