(no subject)

Feb 22, 2010 22:24

Characters: Torn sandpaperbreath and Daxter does-everything
Location: All over creation
Date: Right now
Rating: PG-13? Maybe for language.

Great. Just when he'd been lucky enough to shake Mizo, Razer had to step in like the dickwad he was wrap him up in another bargain. Hell, Daxter couldn't even hardly remember the one he had with Phoenix; something about keeping Jak from hurting people. Like that was going to be difficult, Jak didn't go after anyone unless they went after him first. Sometimes not even then; the guy was a saint.

Still, it was getting to be that an ottsel couldn't even take a stroll without getting blackmailed. Stupid boat. Stupid boat with its stupid asshole passengers and their keeping of secrets. Briefly, Daxter toyed with the idea of letting himself go Dark for the purpose of gnawing on Razer's head, but quickly cast that idea aside into the pile of "maybe later if nothing better comes along" plans. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to set up another punishment like that again. He'd flirted with men. Men! It was horrifying.

Hmm, well, he didn't know where Jak was, or Tess. He could go look for them, but that would require traipsing all over the ship and he didn't want to do that. He could get his comm and call for them, but again...didn't want to go all the way back to his room. The arcade was conveniently nearby though; he could at least kill a few hours and improve his already impressive racing skills. With that plan in mind, Daxter made a beeline for the nearest console and hopped into the driver seat.

daxter, torn

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