(no subject)

Feb 21, 2010 22:55

Characters: Keats diverged_fate and Herz meinxxherz [closed]
Location: Outside of Deck 5.
Date: Late evening on Sunday
Rating: Pg-13? Possibly R for Keats' bad language?

Forty five minutes before the two hour mark, Keats found his way to and outside deck five. He leaned heavily on the ship railing and stared up and out at the sky and water... they were the same void in the dark. On some other night, the silence and fresh air might have given him some comfort. At least a place to lose himself in his thoughts. Tonight, he had something else to deal with. Herz's question. His own answer.

...which he still couldn't decide on.

Great. Just great. But he couldn't put it off any longer, not when it was torturing his friend to wait on him like that. He felt uneasy just thinking about their earlier conversation. Herz was a normal guy... pretty damned vulnerable even. He shouldn't even think about getting close to someone like that. It was a disaster waiting to happen. So why did he sort of want to? Or was curious... attracted.

Without thinking about it, he stuck his right hand into his jacket pocket and brushed it against the folded photo there. Guilty instinct. He scowled when he realized it, and he yanked the photo out. Hard to see in the dark. Still, he could picture the blurred photo perfectly. The strong, aristocratic features of Oreyn. He'd been carrying this picture around like a tactile warning almost. Don't forget what happened. Don't forget what you're capable of...

His eyes blurred with anger as he stared at the photo. Screw it. This wasn't his world, and things could be different here. They could. If he kept thinking that hard enough, he might even come to believe it.

"No matter what I'm gonna say, you're done making my fucking decisions for me," he said under his breath. Then he let the photo go. He didn't know what would happen--let the bottom of the ocean have it, for all he knew. Still, as it fluttered away, he couldn't even bring himself to watch it fall.

He'd leave the past out of this the best he could. Or try to.

keats, herz

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