backwards weekend

Jul 10, 2006 10:13

toad! oh how i love toad. having missed them with much regret back in june, when i heard that they were going to be playing mere miles from my house (and outside to boot, which i've never seen them play before) i couldn't resist. so after a day of general bumming around and getting the middle floor of the house clean (as well as FINALLY getting one of the sash outlines done for my JN outfit, that embroidery is going to be the death of this costume i swear :P) we loaded up the lawn chairs and blankets into the green monster and went down the road for some yuppy concert fun.

the show was amazing - it was nice to be able to see them NOT in a smokey club, but still have the funny, witty banter and still amazingly done songs. they sounded just as good as they ever did, and a good time was had by all, i'm fairly sure. it was nostalgic for me in many ways - dulcinea makes me think of my college days, sitting in fox hall over the summer i turned 21, hanging out with good friends and growing more in three months than anyone has a right to. and coil makes me think of living in waltham on my own after college, breaking up with eric and driving around in my old beat up vw fox. good times, good times.

saturday was recovery day, both from a late night the night before, and our crazy week of travel. i slept in, ate grits for breakfast, and had a generally good time. chris downright assulted the lawn and the front yard, pruning trees here and mowing lawns there. me, i slugged around, doing costume stuff (tank striping) and WoW, taking a break to run to the container store to get the afformentioned armor carrier. it's awesome, and has enough room for at least my harry potter costume too, and perhaps the others as well. nice, sturdy, and lockable if i want. now i just need to get some stickers for it! :) that night was some fun rp stuff on the mush, for which a good time was had by all. chris was sleepy early though, and after some guitar hero and some listening to loudoun county's finest on the scanner, we hit the hay.

friday night was really just crazy - the whole weekend really amounted to 'let's unwind as best as we can from that crazy trip'. costume stuff, WoW, mush stuff. just getting my head back in the game, as it were.

and now, here we are back at monday, and i'm ready to get some real work done. tonight is house cleaning night, even if i did do some this weekend. i want to get the first floor REALLY done, and then work on the basement, which needs much TLC. i've got a lot to do this week, but i'm excited about getting it done. there's a lot of house stuff too that i need/want to get done, least of which is to get more frames for more pictures that i need to hang up - i really like having friends pictures up around the house again like i used to have in my old apartments. really really.

ok, enough babbling for now. work must be done. and stuf.

weekend, thingstodo, music, costuming

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