Jul 10, 2006 15:55
i'm still in a good mood, but honestly. i hate hate hate that people seem to have started 'avoiding' baby topics around me these days, like i'm delicate, or emotionally distraught over the fact that i am not yet pregnant.
to set the record straight (and talking to - honestly - no one in particular, mostly some work people):
-if i had a baby today, i'd be happy
-if i had a baby 3 years from now? JUST AS HAPPY
-i don't mind talking about your baby. my lack of one does not make me wish harm on yours.
-my 'lack of child' is my own choice - let's remember i only started even really not not trying in late january when i hit 200lbs.
-i am NOT UPSET at the fact that we're not pregnant yet. honestly sometimes i'll get bummed, but by sometimes that's like 1 day a month, and i'm over it in an hour or so. it's more to do with impaitence than truely being emotional :P
geesh. if i get one more pity look i may start swinging. not that i don't appreciate the thought, and not that i think anyone means anything ill by it. just irks me.