Naruto 505

Aug 07, 2010 08:28

Oh God I am STILL laughing! Naruto is not bothering me so much anymore. Last night in my dream I met Kishimoto and he was really nice. I looked at the guy who in the dream was Kishimoto and was like "Does he really deserve so much hatred? Yeah he does stupid stuff but so does everyone..." Anyway, I'm not magically cured of any displeasures with Naruto, but that dream combined with THIS CHAPTER... For anyone who hasn't read it, let's just say I used this icon for a reason and THE GREAT BEAST OF KONOHA makes a stellar appearance that still has me laughing in random bursts just thinking about it.

Not to mention some really touching stuff has been happening in the last chapters, and anyone who rails against Kishi's treatment of female characters as I often have ought to view this success story of Kushina, along with another minor but still cool female character mentioned a couple chapters back. Even though the premise seemed plot-devicey, the past couple chapters was some solid great Naruto.


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