Icons and Voices

Aug 19, 2010 17:57

Still not having success with the Voice Posting, but working on it. In the meantime, here's an icon meme. Well, I commented on superduperotaku's and now that means I do it for the icons she mentioned.

1. Reply to this post with the word PIRATES (or NINJAS) and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

Anyway here we go! 5 icons picked out by superduperotaku !

I only get 15 icons, so I try to have ones that will make themselves applicable in many situations. This is the "facepalm lion". He's covering his face in shame at the inane quality of the post's subject, whatever the post and its subject may be. I also thought this picture was really cute! I actually made this icon myself.

In shorthand I refer to this one as "allen touche face". He's Allen from D. Gray Man, a series I am a decent ways into but by no means far. I am up to volume like 14. Anyway, this icon can be used in multiple contexts. Sometimes minor annoyance, sometimes in a "well said", sometimes in "are these people serious?" type way.

Hahaha! This is a sketch I drew of myself once. For a short time it was my Facebook profile picture until I couldn't bear to keep it up anymore. Some people think it makes me look like I have a mustache... guess what! That's just the top of my lips! The eyebrows are practically drawn to size. (Haha not really!) This icon is used when I am in a hurry and don't think to choose an icon, have no appropriate icon, or am doing one of those posts where I log in while I post and therefore don't have the opportunity to change the icon. (There's a way, but well, it's not worth it.) I've considered replacing this icon, but I worry that whatever I replace it with, suddenly that icon will replace every time I've ever used this one. And what if it's totally inappropriate? Going back people see that I used a "your momma eats poo" icon when it was meant to be just my smarmy face!

I really like Fruits Basket. Not an active fan anymore, but that's because the series is done and I've never gotten involved in fandom for it. Shigure is quite the character! In some ways a favorite... at other times I simply loathe him. At this he would smirk and agree, which would only serve to anger me further, and so on and so forth. This icon is good for the weary times. I often use it when I post a new chapter of a story because it means "Oh man, now I have to do that all over again!" Fruits Basket taught me many things about life!!

It's no secret that I'm a Kakashi fangirl. It's a slightly lesser known fact that many authors post some of their racier stuff on LJ. Combining these two things gives you the explanation for this icon: Kakashi giggling. It's not on the level of the fapping icon of zelha , but I like to use the image of Kakashi giggling over Icha Icha whenever someone posts something rather... naughty! Or just generally giggle-worthy.

Anyway, that's that. Comment and the buck is passed. (If you're into that sort of thing!)

I also wanted to take this post to ask a question. (qualapec did something similar.) If I manage to work out the voice posting thing, does anyone have anything in particular they want to hear? I have a wide range of laughs and my accent fluctuates.

voice, icon, meme

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