Jul 30, 2010 12:01
I did it! I actually finished my story for the Summer of Love contest! Gaaaaahhhh! Run away screaming you dirty naysaying fiends of my mind! IT HAS BEEN DONE!!!
Wa wa bwah ha ha
But let me tell you, this is the last time I try to write a story like this in one month and thirty-five thousand words. More like three weeks, and then more like two and a half. I have only JUST made it under the cut, at approx. 33,701, and an epilogue is still up in the air! 1,299 words-- it could be done! We'll see, we'll see. Tomorrow you will see. I have to say I am not at all satisfied with the story, but WHATEVER man!
My story is an adaptation of the 1965 film Doctor Zhivago, which is based on the novel of the same name by Boris Pasternak. It's about the Russian Revolution, one of my favorite topics! The reason I'm bringing it up now is that I'd like to tell you guys in advance that you DON'T NEED TO HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE to read my story. Really you don't. I don't want to discourage anyone from reading the story just because they haven't seen this movie. (Although everyone should see the movie, for its own sake.) Please feel free to read a Wikipedia summary if you need to-- normally I discourage such things in favor of the full experience, but for the sake of the contest it's a necessary evil...!
Really what I'm doing is begging people to read it, since I've been stressing out about it a lot. None of my friends are the judges this time around (with possible exception of Omi) so hopefully they can leave reviews---!!!!!
Anyway, I also hope that all of the ladies at Otakon are having a great time. I writhe with envy.