I always look forward to Omegacon, and this year was... good. It felt a little abbreviated, maybe because
chebutykin wasn't there Friday night, and it seemed like a lot of other people I wanted to see didn't make it. There wasn't that much conversation, no real sitting around in the consuite or by the fire pit cracking dumb jokes and so on. The heavy snowfall kind of put the kibosh on the fire pit, of course. The really social video gaming never happened for me (Rock Band was never up when I went to check that out, and that Broadway musical dancing game is really not my thing.) And yeah, there was that blackout on Sunday (ever try to use a men's room in pitch blackness? It's fairly awkward.) That could explain why things felt less conversational than before, but I'm not sure why other similar moments didn't gel. Strangely, I missed the sense of just hanging out with people.
Omegacon did have kind of a flying solo vibe to it this year. I got to spend some time in the sauna. Honestly, I was looking more forward to that than just about anything else. I played a ton of Robotron 2084 and Klax on the big retro video game screen. I took a couple of naps. Maybe I just didn't want to jockey with people for status and attention, no matter how fun the result might be. I was pretty ready to mentally check out.
Also, I could probably stand to bring less booze next time. Not that I got seriously blitzed or anything, it just never gets drunk or shared as much as I think it will. And it's not exactly like the bar is poorly stocked.
Games played included Carcasonne (would you believe I've never played that before?) Minotaurus (really simple game where you try to navigate a Labyrinth before getting et by the Minotaur, it's meant for kids but it's done with Legos so it's still cool) Cold War (good two-person strategy card game), Blokus, Abalone (
saracura smoked me a bunch of times), and 6 Nimmt! (super fun German card game that is weirdly obscure and unavailable in the US). And Salad Bowl, obviously. I also want to try playing that spaceship cargo game again (Space Trucker?, Galactic Trucker?), when I'm in a better state of mind for it. I was a bit toasty at the time.
Pre-reged for next year, obviously. The siren call of Siren, Wisconsin is not easily ignored.