Though the really bad parts are over, I'm getting seriously frustrated with how long it's taking my nose to fully recover from
what I thought would be minor surgery with a 1-2 week recuperation period. I still need to rinse it out with salt water twice a day in order to be able to breathe through it; it still bleeds far too readily; it still hurts to sneeze or wrinkle up my nose; my whole head still feels terrible between waking up and having a shower in the morning. Annoyingly, none of this seems to surprise the ENT guy, but he really failed to prepare me for how long it would take.
I went back today for the next followup. It went a lot better than
the last one, but still caused some pain. Oddly, it affected me far more emotionally than physically - I was over the pain within a couple of hours, but have felt deeply sad all day. Not directly sad about the state of my nose-just that sort of amorphous, free-floating 'down'-but I really can't think of anything else that would have triggered this.