Dear Self:
What you have is a bit of fatigue from sticky-hot nights and work. And some post-nasal drip making your throat scratchy (but by no means miserable).
Get off the Google searches and drink some fluids and take some Advil PM tonight, and you'll be fine.
Baron Munchhausen says "stoppit",
Jacky called - he was in town getting a generator put back together (hit by lightning, yikes), and when he was done he'd spare us a trip to Watonga and come get Mickie...
If we got her out of school.
Well, okay, sure. She's kicking butt in middle school, and a three-and-a-half day vacation would be fun.
So. No drive for me while I'm puny.
(Jacky was psyched about Mickie getting her passport. "ALL RIIIIIIGHT! We're headed for Cozumel!" They're thinking either Fall Break or Thanksgiving.)
Went for a run today, despite feeling puny.
I did speed sprints the last couple of runs - going at a faster pace for a block or so when the moment moved me. It helped pick up my pace, apparently, because today I hit my mile mark at under nine and a half minutes!
Then it took forever to recover. I racked it up to not being at 100% health-wise and vowed to kick butt on a longer, cooler run come Sunday. (I'll have all day to do it, too - the high's gonna be in the middle eighties. That's how 'cool' it is when I start out nowadays!)
My goals for the race on the 17th are as follows: beat my personal best from last year (32:55 gun time), be right at or under 30 minutes (I'll give myself 59 seconds over), and the top fourth of both all the women and my age group (which means around the top 50th and top 7th, respectively).
I might be biting off a bit more than I can chew, but it's good to have a target. I'll be happy to run the entire thing. (Needed to recover last year.) I'll need to pace myself, that's for sure.
Tried to nap this afternoon, but it didn't work out. As tempted as I am to take my meds now and sleep about fifteen hours... I'll hold out.
Wonder if I can talk Andy into going to get ice cream sundaes...
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