fic and stuff

Dec 24, 2021 13:24

I received more cards from
piplover, and an east coaster where I haven't connected the RL name to the DW name, thank you all!

I'm mostly ready for Christmas, still need to buy an online gift card and dip truffles. I finished and posted my first kiss/holiday McShep fic, so that feels satisfying. My sister hasn't been feeling well and went for a covid test yesterday, so just be calm and not fret.

Anyway, Merry Christmas Eve, Merry Christmas, Happy Boxing Day to all who celebrate!

Title: Holiday Kisses
Rating: Gen
Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Characters: John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, references to other canon characters
Archive: Archive of Our Own.
Category: first kiss, shopping, Christmas, don't copy to another site
Summary: It's the classic fanfic trope, Rodney and John have each other's names for the first holiday gift exchange on Atlantis. Only since neither particularly enjoys shopping, they cheat.
Notes: I love Christmas, really I do, but it feels like I always want to write about the stressful aspects with McShep. Also, living through the pandemic has made me think more about that first year on Atlantis in ways that I had not before. Still, I think this is overall a happy fic. Happy Holidays!

Read on Archive of Our Own. This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you prefer.

fic, atlantis fic

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