(no subject)

Dec 26, 2021 12:01

I have realized that when Purrcy gets on the desk and sits in front of my monitor, he's not looking for petting and attention. He wants me to go away so he can sleep on my desk chair! Silly cat.

My Christmas was quite lovely, waffles and gift opening at my dad's in the morning, then dinner at my brother's. I ended up with a lot of food gifts, which works for me. There was rain on and off, which we need, and which makes me happy. I did finally take a walk in the evening to help with the digestion.

My sister's covid test finally came back negative this morning, so that was reassuring.

There was a total stranger at my brother's house for dinner, so that was disconcerting. She thanked my sister and me very nicely for letting her come, to which I thought...I don't recall being asked. So that was unsettling and now I wonder if my brother mentioned to her that sis was still waiting for covid test results. It feels like the continuing pandemic and the rise of omicron should bring about a whole new level of communication but my family has defaulted to our established dynamics.

Friends were supposed to drop by today but I ended up canceling with them. Checked with my brother this morning, and his friend is triple vaxxed, but I did spend most of a day and a half around my sister who is recovering from a cold. I've been reading a fic for a friend, it's been good to just be quiet with the cats.

I hope everyone had a lovely and warm Christmas/Saturday. This entry was originally posted at https://elayna.dreamwidth.org/326833.html. Comment wherever you prefer.
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