(no subject)

Dec 09, 2021 20:04

I got Christmas cards from
jenab and
epeeblade, thank you both! I love cards.

I've been working on Christmas cards but yesterday it suddenly sunk that it was December 8 and I have done almost nothing on actual shopping. Agh. Still haven't, and I won't until next week, as I'm visiting friends this weekend. Yay friends! But wow, how do I always feel behind with Christmas? I'd ask if anyone ever feels caught up with Christmas, except I have friends who finish their shopping by July every year, so I already know these excessively organized people exist.

Possibly someone tried to file a fraudulent tax return with my dad's social security #, I'm guessing that's happened as the IRS sent him a letter, requiring him to verify his identity. Between the not intuitive government process, many technical challenges, and dad's hearing, it's been a nightmare and a half this week. We've got one more call to make tomorrow that I hope will resolve it.

I did write several days this week, usually 300-400 words each time. My brain is lively but scattered. I finally gave up and am working on several fics in one file, that seems to be the best way until one of them gets almost done. This entry was originally posted at https://elayna.dreamwidth.org/325779.html. Comment wherever you prefer.
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