The June Something

Jun 14, 2021 09:42

The June Something, Day 14: What fandom broke your heart?

Always and forever, Quantum Leap. Sam changed his history so that he got the love of his life back and he had a daughter who became a scientist and joined the project. He should have done his service and leaped back to be with his family and his best friend. But no, we got ads promising 'all your questions will be answered' and instead we got 'Sam Beckett never leaped home.'


What did that even mean? Did Al keep providing info and supporting him? Did he ever see his family? Did he keep going for decades until he died? My heart breaks to think Sam was never allowed to be himself and enjoy his own life.

Cincoflex, my mom, and two other friends all come to my place and we watched the episode together, live on TV as it aired, complete with commercials, and then that nonsense came on the screen and we all shrieked. SHRIEKED.

It's still a good show, I will recommend it, but the last season gets dicey (pressure from the network to do more episodes that would garner big ratings) and just ignore the last episode entirely. This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you prefer.

the june something

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