The June Something

Jun 13, 2021 14:45

The June Something, Day 13: Squicks - What are some things that squick you in fandom - not necessarily "icky", though it can be. From anything involving blood, to bad grammar.

I don't know that it's so much a 'squick' as a frustration (but it's My June Something, I shall put my own interpretation on it!) but fellow fans who do not seem to enjoy a show, in fact, appear to hate it, yet will not let it go.

I'm not against critical analysis, looking at episodes thoughtfully is great. We don't need to be constantly squeeing.

And I can understand that when you've enjoyed a show or a franchise, it's hard to give up and let go. Processing that something is disappointing you takes time.

But still thinking a bit about the question on leaving a fandom or not getting into one, and yeah, there is something that drives me out or makes me hesitate about joining, and it's relentless negativity. People that just want to pick apart every single thing and do not seem to be happy about anything. Plots, characters, promo stills, stupid things TPTB say in interviews...criminy, people, why do you even watch this show? Is anything about it interesting you or making you happy?

I don't want to play the old card, but there is so much these days. Even with the production shut downs caused by the pandemic, there is SO MUCH. I grew up with 6 TV channels and you saw something live or its one rerun or you missed it. Books and magazines from book stores or the library, fanzines were few and far between, through the mail or at cons.

And now there is the internet and 500 cable channels and more streaming channels than I can afford and AO3 and that is amazing. AMAZING. Sure, you were enjoying a show and it went downhill, you were anticipating a show and it started rocky, give it half a season. See if it hit a rough patch. If it doesn't improve, give it up! Go find something you love! Look for that show that makes you bounce in your chair to watch it!

Maybe that wasn't what the question was supposed to be about, but it's a good reminder to me. My shows become habits and it takes me time to recognize when I'm watching them because they're on the DVR, but not because I'm excited about them. ENJOY. Or let go and find something better. This entry was originally posted at Comment wherever you prefer.

the june something

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