Wank Week Catch Up

Sep 05, 2010 01:37

As some of you know, I just had the BFF's wedding week conflicting with Comic Wank Week, and DUDE, IT WAS HARD. Luckily, the other bridesmaids cheerfully consoled me with happy wedding plans whenever I'd get pessimistic about the comics, and some of my last interactions before submitting to the exhaustion known as bridesmaid-dom were with Emmie and ( Read more... )

season 8, season 8 it's wanktastic!

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Comments 8

simonf September 5 2010, 08:47:59 UTC
I don't there was much wank in the end. Once most people had read the issue instead of relying on reports, things pretty much calmed down. This issue seemed to get more positive feedback than negative. Well that's my take on the situation.


flake_sake September 5 2010, 09:09:44 UTC
Sorry have no review to offer and not even really a positive or negative take on the story, it just kicked me right out.

I think the positivistas could very well be right but even than we'd still be left with a incredibly badly written story that dragged endlessly only to become rushed and confused at the finish.

But I do recommend beer_good_foamy's review on why the Twilight arc is Jar Jar Binks



fenderlove September 5 2010, 09:14:47 UTC
There were positives and negatives to the issue; most of the negative being that this issue seemed to not directly follow the end of #35 with Buffy's reactions and demeanor (in my opinion), but Willow and Spike are pretty much okay.

So, everyone, please benevolently link up your reviews and meta, as well as that of others, so I can catch up on the wank.
My stuff: My review for the issue is up here, a little bit of meta-snark in comic form here, and I wrote you Spike/Preggers!Ursula fic here. XD

Other People's Stuff:
Shipperx has an awesome video post comparing the Star Wars prequels to S8 here and Petzipellepingo has a collection of meta, thoughts, and reviews listed here, here, and here.

Enjoy! :D


ubi4soft September 5 2010, 09:20:57 UTC
Strongly recommend http://shadowkat67.livejournal.com/561945.html

(what doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger)


norwie2010 September 5 2010, 11:03:02 UTC
I strongly recommend everything EMMIE and MAGGIE wrote. My own review of season 8 so far is up on my LJ, too.


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