Title: Looking Out From Underneath (2/2) Series: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Rating: M-15
Notes: For reikah. Part two of two. HAPPY CHRISTMAS IS STILL HAPPY OK. Thank you to uakari120, fieldofclover and mikkeneko for getting me ready to post.
Title: All The Months After Series: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle Rating: R-18 (NSFW)
Summary: De-anon for this prompt on clampkink. Kurogane has ways of dealing with pain, but Fay's way might be more fun. Worst summary ever. Kurogane/Fay genderswap fic.
Summary: Written for this prompt over at clampkink. Kurogane has been in the acting game long enough to see through most people, but his co-star is proving a distraction. Kurogane/Fay modern AU.